Posted in: Comics | Tagged: "the great one" brian bendis, brian bendis, Jessica Jones, legacy, marvel, marvel lefacy, Michael Gaydos, purple man
Bendis And Gaydos Bring The Purple Man Back For Marvel Legacy Jessica Jones
The Purple Man will lead even more new cast members for Jessica Jones from "The Great One" Brian Bendis and artist Michael Gaydos when Marvel Legacy hits this Fall.
Another day, another round of Marvel Legacy solicitations to be released on a compliant Marvel media partner website. Today's lucky website is Syfy Wire, and the site is fanboying hard over the chance at EXCLUSIVE interviews with talent like "The Great One" Brian Bendis.
"We're not here to convince you to think one way or the other," claims Syfy Wire about the less then stellar reaction to the hype and subsequent delivery of Marvel's Legacy announcements, before launching into a sales pitch:
But here's the thing: SYFY WIRE had the chance to talk with Marvel about their plans for Legacy. Not just with the one-shot from the Aaron/Ribic team that is supposed to deliver the true origin of the Marvel Universe. We're talking about some of the other yet-to-be-revealed storylines that will be part of this big … event. There, we said it (or wrote it … whatever). The point being, Marvel has some BIG stuff in the pipeline to make sure Legacy lives up to the advance hype.
So what industry-changing news has the great one revealed in this storied interview?
Mainly, that in addition to "some characters that will be supporting her book and the defenders and whatever other street books want to have some fun," The Purple Man will be returning in Jessica Jones #13.
"In Jessica's world, this is monumental," said Bendis. "The only thing worse than what The Purple Man did to her originally is the thought of what he could do to her now that she has a child. Writing this has been so scary. This is scary stuff. This is psychological horror unlike anything I think I've ever seen in mainstream comics. We'll see what people think…"
So what do you think, people?
Jessica Jones #13 hits stores this Fall.