Posted in: Comics | Tagged: adi granov, Arthur Adams, Bill Doran, Bill Sienkiewicz, bob layton, brian bolland, charlie adlard, chrissie zullo, christian ward, clay mann, comic con, Comics, David Gibbons, david lloyd, David Mack, David Roach, David Wachter, Dexter Vines, ed mcguinness, Elias Chatzoudis, emanuela lupacchino, entertainment, Esad Ribic, garth ennis, gary erskine, gary frank, ian churchill, Ireland Reid, J K Woodward, Jamie Tyndall, Jeremy Haun, Jeremy Whitley, john romita jr, john watson, Joyce Chin, kieron gillen, klaus janson, Laura Sindall, lee bermejo, lee garbett, london, london super comic con, mahmud asrar, mark brooks, Mark Buckingham, Mark Farmer, max brooks, michael avon oeming, mike norton, mike ploog, neal adams, Neil Edwards, Paul Levitz, Rachel Stott, Rahsan Ekedal, ron marz, Sabine Rich, simone bianchi, Stephanie Hans, Tabitha Lyons, Taki Soma, tim seeley, victor santos, Yaya Han, Yildiray Cinar
Brian Bolland, Art Adams, Max Brooks And More Now Coming To London Super Comic Con In March…
The London Super Comic Con has released a bunch more comic attendees at the show… oh look, Max Brooks, Garth Ennis, Kieron Gillen… you can see that Bleeding Cool's publisher must be in attendance!
The new names are Arthur Adams, Simone Bianchi, Brian Bolland, Max Brooks, Mark Buckingham, Joyce Chin, Garth Ennis, Kieron Gillen, Adi Granov, Tabitha Lyons, Ron Marz, Ireland Reid, Esad Ribic, David Roach, Laura Sindall, Rachel Stott, David Wachter and Jeremy Whitley
They will join guests such as Ed McGuinness, Dexter Vines, David Mack, Yildiray Cinar, Neil Edwards, Rahsan Ekedal , Sabine Rich, Victor Santos, Christian Ward, J.K. Woodward, Neal Adams, Mark Brooks, Gary Erskine, Gary Frank, David Gibbons, Stephanie Hans, Bob Layton, David Lloyd, Clay Mann, Taki Soma, Elias Chatzoudis, Bill Doran, Mark Farmer, Lee Garbett, Klaus Janson, Paul Levitz, Mike Norton, Tim Seeley, Bill Sienkiewicz, John Watson, Chrissie Zullo, Charlie Adlard, Mahmud Asrar, Lee Bermejo, Ian Churchill, Yaya Han, Jeremy Haun, Emanuela Lupacchino, Michael Avon Oeming, Mike Ploog, John Romita Jr and Jamie Tyndall.
I'll be there, definitely all day Saturday. If you go, please do say hi! And look forward to this sort of thing…