Posted in: Comics, Current News, NYCC | Tagged: COVID, new york comic con
Comic Creators Coming Down With Covid After NYCC
Last week saw NYCC, a generally undistanced, unmasked affair. Comic conventions often lead to "con crud" afterwards... but this was different
Article Summary
- NYCC attendees report surge in COVID cases, reminding of the return of "con crud" post-event.
- Notable creators like Al Ewing and Mara Jayne test positive after New York Comic Con.
- Artists and writers emphasize testing as symptoms mimic regular "con crud."
- Upcoming UK Comic Con shows concern but notes lower COVID spread than US.
Last week saw New York Comic Con, a generally undistanced, unmasked affair. Comic conventions often lead to "con crud" afterwards, given all the hand shaking and close contact, and it had been observed that post lockdown, con crud had reduced. But now it's back with a vengeance and for NYCC, had brought a friend.
Al Ewing writes on his newsletter, "I got covid, so I don't have it in me to write a newsletter. Lots of people from NYCC have tested positive, so if you were also there I hope you've been testing and not chalking up that grim feeling as standard con crud. (Though I also know people who have that too!)"
Mara Jayne: So who else got Covid at NYCC?
Walter Simonson: Oops. Back from NYCC 23. I was feeling a bit punk and took the test. Positive for Covid. Not clear if I got it at the con or had it when I went. So far, kind of like bad cold. Achy head and body, coughing and sneezing, And pretty tired. I'll be back later.
Chris Schweizer posted "NYCC was wonderful, but I felt unreasonably tired the last day – presumably from being *on* with no breaks (but bathroom) for ten hours each day, etc. Liz was feeling poor last night, though, so we went and got tested for everything today, & we both came up positive for covid. Lots of other folks at the show have been posting that they've tested positive since returning, home, too, so if you were there & are feeling sick (more a head cold + tired vibe than cough this strain, Doc says), get tested & keep to yourself for 5 days from start of symptoms. Doc said that based on when I started feeling poorly that I should be fine to still do my next weekend's event (Chattanooga) but that I should wear a mask for an additional five days to make sure there's no chance of anything lingering being passed along. I'm already feeling much better – I felt at my worst the first half of Monday, & my worst was never bad, just would-rather-be-in-bed-than-on-the-road, & have been improving since. Hopefully Liz won't feel any worse than she does now (which isn't great, but isn't terrible)."
Alex Saviuk: NYCC was a great show EXCEPT that I tested POSITIVE for COVID !!! I'll elaborate when I get my head out of this fog.
Erica Schulz: I tested negative today. Testing again tomorrow. It may be the plain old con crud. It may be allergies. I'll post if I hit a positive.
Ethan Sacks: Tested positive for Covid just now. Tested negative until now, so I likely wasn't contagious yet if we crossed paths at NYCC. But I did get it there. Minor symptoms as I'm recently boosted, but have to reschedule my California signings Fri (@thecomicbug) and Sat (@GAppleComics).
Adrian F. Wassel: Well, f-ck a duck. I got covid at #NYCC I've taken four tests. Two swabbing just my sinuses, which both tested negative. And two swabbing my sinuses and throat, which both tested positive. Seems like it's localized to my throat right now, and my main symptom is a hoarse voice.
Marco Rudy: My winning streak couldn't last forever, it seems.
At last, the facehugger covid got me and I find myself at odds with a chestburster.
Not to worry too much, I'm okay, dealing with flu symptoms, getting proper rest and ginger tea, among flu treatment.
The shame in all of this is, one, I really had avoided it thus far, by following all procedures and I finally slipped.
Two #nycc was so great, meeting people, making new friends and meeting old friends. Getting RDW in the hands of as many people as I could, even some big industry individuals.
It's recovery time for this guy.
The irony of my having a chat with a conspiracy theory guy at a Metro station in NY, because I had a mask on, cause he didn't believe covid existed.
Whatever. Anyways stay, safe, mask on, vaccinate, etc.Eric Palicki: Woke up Tuesday with a scratchy throat, and with major congestion this morning. Tested twice, both negative. Maybe the next test will be positive, or maybe I got…regular con crud?
Zoe Thorogood: Got ill again after NYCC, haven't tested yet but assuming covid again :/ I'm going to have to stop doing conventions I fear, I've spent 2 whole months sick this year and it's just getting ridiculous
JUANAN_RAMÍREZ: In a few days, when I regain a little time, I will do a short chronicle of NYCC. For now, with COVID included, WE ARE BACK TO WORK!
Fred Van Lente: The NYCC 2023 Con Crud must be strong indeed, because it broke my decade-long streak of not getting sick after shows. After thirteen hours of bedrest, though, I am happy to report I am mostly recovered, though it's hard to stand and I'm entirely sure what day it is
Luca Pizzari: Hey comic people, if we hung out these past week at NYCC PLEASE get tested for Covid coz I Just had a positive result. Do yourself a favour and check it
Russell Mark Olson: Ooof. Just starting to feel like myself. I suspect what I thought was just con crud is actually Covid. I remember this cough well. *hack hack* Stay safe out there, folks.
Ben Templesmith: Just had some supermarket sushi & my "morning" coffee after waking up at 1pm since I couldn't get to sleep last night. Feel a bit crappy & I'm hoping it's not Covid from NYCC but yeah, it probably is. Should test tonight. At least I got protein & caffeine, so survival chances are in my favor… I either have Covid or a damn con crud & since I can't seem to sleep, I'm rewatching Ozark from episode 1. I am not disappointed. Ruth is the best.
Ivy Noelle: My first post-NYCC COVID test was negative but I'm not gonna lie: Yr boy feels sick. So I'm going to act like I have COVID until definitively proven otherwise (or even if it's not, I'm not trying to spread whatever other weird nerd germs I've got!!)
Kelly Williams: Well f-ck. I had a good run I guess. Finally got it. Remember to bring your masks and don't be like me, Kelly Williams, and forget it and then keep forgetting until the worst times. So I guess if we hung out, this is a thing.
Nicole Valdez: I don't know if its Con crud, or if its just typical change of seasons but my throat is on fire, and my head is underwater. Will be sleeping it off again today. Sorry to everyone thats been waiting on things from me.
Ian Mondrick: I got Covid on the first day of NYCC! I wasn't going anyway, just noting the timing.
Chris Benamati: Cannot tell if con crud or COVID send help. (Two tests in and both negative but BLEGGGH)
And there is still FOMO…
Ramon Villalobos: Sometimes i log on to social media and see people having fun at big comic conventions and i think "damn i wish that was me getting covid too"
And there were other worries.
Larry Hama: I hear a number of folks caught Covid at NYCC. How many of those attended thus infected also attended the Romita Memorial at Society of Illustrators?
MCM London Comic Con is in a week's time, but the UK doesn't seem to have been spreading hotspots like US shows have, possibly because of a greater vaccination profile in the UK, possibly… I don't know, because we don't lick doorknobs? I don't really have a convincing explanation here.