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Comic Creators React To Reaction To Action Comics #900
So Bleeding Cool has been talking a lot about this story today in which Superman has revealed himself to be a treasonous lily livered popinjay who might as well be French. But what about the comic creators? Does no one ever think about them?
Dan Lawlis: Is there any doubt the comic book industry is dominated by Godless anti-American leftwing extremists? No. And this is exactly why I don't miss working in the comic book field.
Ethan Van Sciver: I just recommend a letter writing campaign, now that DC Comics has letters columns again, demanding to see Superman carrying an American flag into space again. Let the editors know it matters to you that Superman remains an American icon. They'll listen.
Gabriel Hardman Superman..American…something…fake angry…bored…
Ed Brubaker To be fair, Superman never punched Hitler.
KurtBusiek He shook him by the scruff of his neck, though. AND Mussolini!
Ron Marz Sarah Palin has finally commented on the Superman/citizenship controversy. Said she can see Krypton from her house.