Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment, marc guggenheim, marvel, x-men, x-men gold
A Comic Show – I'm Sold On X-Men Gold
Aaron Haaland, of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida, writes,
Hey Fandom! This week is won by the mutants, X-Men Gold #1 is a return to form. The team gets DC's Rebirth treatment, back to basics, the more things change and all that. It made me feel like kid me did hearing the animated theme song play on a Saturday morning with a bowl of Froot Loops! Royals #1 adds Marvel Boy, takes most of the old school Inhumans into space, and I'm down with it. Give my mutants some space and go to space! Captain America, Iron Fist, and America were all great. Star Wars Rogue One Adaptation works from the original screenplay and has scenes cut from the movie. DC's big guns of Superman and Batman #20 and Harley Quinn #17 all hit their notes. And if you haven't been getting Superman Rebirth monthly, volume two is here.
The Walking Dead #166 has a jaw dropper and #167 promises to hit even harder. Black Cloud #1 tells a story I want to take part in. And Extremity and Paper Girls round out the best off Images offerings. John Layman's life after Chew starts with The Maxx's Sam Kieth, and art thief and an egret for Aftershock. Dynamite's The Sovereigns is a 48 page $1 introduction to the world of Magnus, Turok, and Solar (that we're giving out in store for free). And my guilty pleasure, Riverdale launches its ongoing with stories that happen between the episodes.