Posted in: Comics, Digital | Tagged: comixology, saga, sales, walking dead
ComiXology Sales This Week – Saga Rules The World
Louis Falcetti looks at the in-App iTunes ComiXology statistics for sales… around the world!
This week's comiXology charts are much more interesting than they've been in the past. Why is that you probably ask. Well allow me to probably answer you. There was a time not too long ago when a new issue of The Walking Dead was enough to knock the Earth off it's axis, sales wise. But this week's chart shows that Kirkman's death drama's strangehold might be finally loosening its corpsified grip. In Great Britain as well as Australia and Japan we see Batman #14 taking the top slot, while The Walking Dead #104 still manages to rule the roost in Canada, U.S.A., France, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, Greece, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Sweden and Norway. So, it's not like the book is suddenly doing bad, it's just surprising to see it losing out in Great Britain, though from Judge Dredd to Maggie Thatcher to Batman, Britain certainly does like a fascist. Hey Bendis, if you're planning on vacationing, check out the Philippines, 'cause they love ya this week, giving All New X-Men #1 top honors. Garth Ennis' big and bloody The Boys comes in at number one in Italy and China with #72, it's final, wonderful issue. ::Single Tear:: India may have showered love upon BKV & Fiona Staples' Saga #7, but man if that book doesn't rule the world right now, showing up on every single country chart with the exception of China, Japan and Greece. So what is Japan loving instead? Like you had to ask. IT'S ALWAYS LIL' BATMAN. For like the thousandth (estimate) week in a row, Lil Batman #1 charts in Japan.
What's particularly interesting and worth comparing to the brick & mortar sales charts when those are available, is the Marvel Now's campaign and it's failure (at least digitally) to make the numbers like they've been hoping. For indeed, Marvel Now titles made up 4 spots on the charts of Great Britain, U.S.A., France and Brazil, yet none of their books took top spot. Meanwhile in other countries they had a decent showing in Canada, Philippines, Ireland, Sweden and Norway holding on to 3 spots, but other than that they only find 1 spot on the charts of Australia, Spain, Italy, India, Greece, and Germany, with 2 spots in Japan and 0 spots in China. A far cry from weeks when we've seen DC 52 books holding on to 5 or more spots around the globe. Again, this is just digital comixology sales, and no one has said anything bad about Marvel or any of the creative teams on Hawkeye or Spiderman, so Steve, relax. :-)
Great Britain
- Batman (2011-) #14 £2.49
- The Walking Dead #104 £1.99
- All New X-Men #1 £2.49
- Saga #7 £1.99
- Batgirl (2011-) #14 £1.99
- The Boys #72 £2.49
- Fantastic Four #1 £1.99
- Wolverine and the X-Men #20 £2.49
- Batman and Robin (2011-) #14 £1.99
- Thor: God of Thunder #1 £2.49
- The Walking Dead #104 $2.99
- Batman (2011-) #14 $3.99
- All New X-Men #1 $3.99
- Saga #7 $2.99
- Batgirl (2011-) #14 $2.99
- Fantastic Four #1 $2.99
- Thor: God of Thunder #1 $3.99
- Wolverine and the X-Men #20 $3.99
- Batman and Robin (2011-) #14 $2.99
- Invincible #97 $2.99
United States
- The Walking Dead #104 $2.99
- Batman (2011-) #14 $3.99
- All New X-Men #1 $3.99
- Saga #7 $2.99
- Batgirl (2011-) #14 $2.99
- Fantastic Four #1 $2.99
- Batman and Robin (2011-) #14 $2.99
- Wolverine and the X-Men #20 $3.99
- Thor: God of Thunder #1 $3.99
- Invincible #97 $2.99
- Batman (2011-) #14 $4.49
- The Walking Dead #104 $2.99
- Saga #7 $2.99
- All New X-Men #1 $4.49
- Batgirl (2011-) #14 $2.99
- Batman and Robin (2011-) #14 $2.99
- Suicide Squad (2011-) #14 $2.99
- The Boys #72 $4.49
- Green Lantern Corps (2011-) #14 $2.99
- Fantastic Four #1 $2.99
- All New X-Men #1 $3.99
- Batman (2011-) #14 $3.99
- The Walking Dead #104 $2.99
- Saga #7 $2.99
- Marvel Universe vs. Avengers #2 (of 4) $3.99
- He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #4 (of 6) $2.99
- Invincible #97 $2.99
- Thor: God of Thunder #1 $3.99
- Fantastic Four #1 $2.99
- X-Men: Schism #5 (of 5) $1.99
- The Walking Dead # 104 € 2.69
- Batman (2011 -) # 14 € 3.59
- All New X-Men # 1 € 3.59
- Saga # 7 € 2.69
- Wolverine and the X-Men # 20 € 3.59
- Fantastic Four # 1 € 2.69
- Invincible # 97 € 2.69
- Thor: God of Thunder # 1 € 3.59
- The Boys # 72 € 3.59
- Batman and Robin (2011 -) # 14 € 2.69
- The Walking Dead # 104 € 2.69
- Saga # 7 € 2.69
- Invincible # 97 € 2.69
- Batman (2011 -) # 14 € 3.59
- All New X-Men # 1 € 3.59
- Joe Hill's The Cape € 8.99
- Locke & Key Omega # 1 (of 7) € 3.59
- The Boys # 72 € 3.59
- Doom Patrol (1987-1995) # 2 € 0.89
- The Walking Dead Vol 3: The Heart's Desire € 8.99
- The Boys # 72 € 3.59
- The Walking Dead # 104 € 2.69
- Batman (2011 -) # 14 € 3.59
- Saga # 7 € 2.69
- All New X-Men # 1 € 3.59
- X-Men: Schism # 1 (of 5) € 1.79
- The Boys # 71 € 0.89
- X-Men: Schism # 5 (of 5) € 1.79
- X-Men: Schism # 4 (of 5) € 1.79
- X-Men: Schism # 3 (of 5) € 1.79
- The Walking Dead # 104 $ 39.00
- Batman (2011 -) # 14 $ 49.00
- Saga # 7 $ 39.00
- All New X-Men # 1 $ 49.00
- Suicide Squad (2011 -) # 14 $ 39.00
- Batgirl (2011 -) # 14 $ 39.00
- The Boys # 72 $ 49.00
- Batman and Robin (2011 -) # 14 $ 39.00
- X-Men: Legacy # 1 $ 39.00
- Wolverine and the X-Men # 20 $ 49.00
- Batman (2011-) #14 ¥350
- Batman and Robin (2 011 -) #14 ¥ 250
- All New X-Men # 1 ¥ 350
- A-Babies VS. X-Babies #1 ¥250
- The Walking Dead # 104 ¥250
- Fantastic Four # 1 ¥250
- Suicide Squad (2011-) #14 ¥250
- Lil' Batman # 1 ¥ 85
- Batman (2011-) #1 ¥ 85
- X-Men: Schism # 1 (of 5) ¥170
- The Boys # 72 ¥ 25.00
- The Boys # 71 ¥ 6.00
- New X-Men Vol. 4: Riot At Xavier's $ 60.00
- Wolverine and the X-Men # 4 ¥ 12.00
- Carbon Grey # 1 ¥ 12.00
- Marvel Zombies # 1 ¥ 12.00
- The Walking Dead # 104 ¥ 18.00
- Watchmen # 7 (of 12) ¥ 12.00
- The Incredible Hulk Vol 1 # 1 $ 12.00
- Watchmen # 6 (of 12) $ 12.00
- The Walking Dead #104 USD 2.99
- All New X-Men #1 USD 3.99
- Batman (2011-) #14 USD 3.99
- Saga #7 USD 2.99
- Batgirl (2011-) #14 USD 2.99
- Fantastic Four #1 USD 2.99
- Avengers Assemble #9 USD 3.99
- Amazing Spider-Man #697 USD 3.99
- AVX: Consequences #5 (of 5) USD 3.99
- Thor: God of Thunder #1 USD 3.99
- Saga #7 Rs 170
- Batman (2011-) #14 Rs 220
- Green Lantern (2011-) #14 Rs 170
- Before Watchmen: Moloch #1 (of 2) Rs 220
- Justice League (2011-) #2 Rs 170
- Thor: God of Thunder #1 Rs 220
- Grimm Fairy Tales: Halloween Special 2012 Rs 270
- Giant-size Grimm Fairy Tales: 2012 Rs 350
- AVX: Consequences #1 (of 5) Rs 220
- Harbinger (2012- ) #1 Rs 170
- The Walking Dead # 104 99 p.
- Saga # 7 99 p.
- Transmetropolitan # 1 33 p.
- Daniel and Daughter 169 p.
- Before Watchmen: Moloch # 1 (of 2), 129 p.
- Detective Comics (2011 -) # 2 66 p.
- Detective Comics (2011 -) # 3 66 p.
- Before Watchmen: Minutemen # 4 (of 6) 129 p.
- Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan # 2 (of 4) 129 p.
- Detective Comics (2011 -) # 4 66 p.
- The Walking Dead #104 2,69 €
- Maximum High 4,49 €
- The Boys #72 3,59 €
- The Ravagers (2012-) #6 2,69 €
- Legends of the Dark Knight (2012-) #23 0,89 €
- Red She-Hulk #59 2,69 €
- House of Mystery (2008-2011) #27 1,79 €
- House of Mystery (2008-2011) #26 1,79 €
- House of Mystery (2008-2011) #25 1,79 €
- House of Mystery (2008-2011) #24 1,79 €
- The Walking Dead # 104 € 2.69
- Saga # 7 € 2.69
- Batman (2011 -) # 14 € 3.59
- He-Man and the Masters of the Universe # 4 (of 6) € 2.69
- The Walking Dead Volume 1: Days Gone Bye € 7.99
- X-Men: Schism # 1 (of 5) € 1.79
- All New X-Men # 1 € 3.59
- X-Men: Schism # 2 (of 5) € 1.79
- X-Men: Schism # 5 (of 5) € 1.79
- X-Men: Schism # 4 (of 5) € 1.79
- The Walking Dead #104 2,69 €
- Batman (2011-) #14 3,59 €
- All New X-Men #1 3,59 €
- Saga #7 2,69 €
- The Boys #72 3,59 €
- Batman and Robin (2011-) #14 2,69 €
- Batgirl (2011-) #14 2,69 €
- Wolverine and the X-Men #20 3,59 €
- Fantastic Four #1 2,69 €
- X-Men: Schism #2 (of 5) 1,79 €
- The Walking Dead #104 NIS 11.90
- Batman (2011-) #14 NIS 15.90
- Sandman #1 NIS 7.90
- The Walking Dead #103 NIS 7.90
- Saga #7 NIS 11.90
- Suicide Squad (2011-) #14 NIS 11.90
- Demon Knights (2011-) #14 NIS 11.90
- Batman and Robin (2011-) #14 NIS 11.90
- Hack/Slash #3 NIS 7.90
- Aladdin: Legacy of the Lost #3 (of 3) NIS 7.90
- The Walking Dead #104 22,00 kr
- Saga #7 22,00 kr
- Batman (2011-) #14 28,00 kr
- All New X-Men #1 28,00 kr
- Batgirl (2011-) #14 22,00 kr
- Thor: God of Thunder #1 28,00 kr
- Invincible #97 22,00 kr
- Fantastic Four #1 22,00 kr
- Batman and Robin (2011-) #14 22,00 kr
- Joe Hill's The Cape 75,00 kr
- The Walking Dead #104 21,00 kr
- Saga #7 21,00 kr
- Batman (2011-) #14 28,00 kr
- All New X-Men #1 28,00 kr
- The Boys #72 28,00 kr
- Suicide Squad (2011-) #14 21,00 kr
- Batgirl (2011-) #14 21,00 kr
- Wolverine and the X-Men #20 28,00 kr
- Fantastic Four #1 21,00 kr
- Amazing Spider-Man #697 28,00 kr
