Posted in: Comics, Current News, san diego comic con | Tagged: COVID, san diego, sdcc
Covid, Con-Crud And San Diego Comic-Con 2023
It was not uncommon to come home from San Diego Comic-Con with some form of, what was colloquially referred to as "con crud".
It was not uncommon to come home from San Diego Comic-Con with some form of, what was colloquially referred to as "con crud". The long-distance flights, the hotel rooms, the massive crush of people, hands shaken, hugs given, and more. This year, as pandemic measures have lessened, there did seem to be a bunch of attendees posting one thing, including notable comic book creators. Covid tests.
C.B. Cebulski: Unfortunately, like so many of my comic colleagues, I also came home from San Diego with Covid, so will not be at @ItsTerrifiCon this weekend. Hope everyone going to the CT show has a blast and enjoys the incredible line-up of guests. Be sure to get a clam & bacon pie at Pepe's!Stuart Moore: The good news: SDCC was incredible! The bad: I came home & immediately tested positive for Covid. So if I hung out with you, I'm sorry, and maybe take a test. I'm fine, symptoms are mild so far.
Sven Patrick Larsen: Stuart and I were hanging out Sunday afternoon. Thought I had Con Crud when I woke up this morning but then I saw his message. Sure enough, I tested positive too. If you were in contact with either of us at the show, suggest you take a test too. Sorry, everybody.
David Pepose X'ed "Welp, looks like I picked up a #SDCC collectible" with a shot of a positive test.
SPARKS: Ah buddy, same! The worst exclusive possible.
Zoe Thorogood: I have to say it's very on brand for me to come away from SDCC with covid and no Eisners… Came away from SDCC with covid so if you hung around me get tested. This is f-cking hell. This obviously means I won't be at galaxycon this weekend.
Al Sparrow: Rare Serious Moment: It wasn't Con-Crud it was Covid. If I interacted with you at all, get a test done.
Travis Hanson: Important public service announcement-
I took a Covid test Monday and it came up negative – I took two test today and it came up positive. If feels like a really bad cold.
If you interacted with me – or anyone else from sdcc – just test to make sure.
Positive Covid test
Trav – and I feel ok just need to reschedule some thingsJulia: Three years of dodging covid and I finally get it. At Comic Con. ::sigh::
Kayleigh Grace Clementine McKee: Hey folks who hung out with me during SDCC- Just so you know, I tested positive for covid just now.
Jayme Figueroa: Got COVID at SDCC and trying to get Paxlovid has been an absolute nightmare, made not helpful by @CVSHealth
1st CVS – We're out of stock 2nd CVS – Their system is down 3rd CVS – No one is trained on Paxlovid screening 4th CVS – Cancelled appt Have a vidoc call in 30. But jeez.Aunt Angie: Tested positive for covid post SDCC. I took the risk by not wearing a mask, but lesson learned (the hard way)-will be masking up at future cons. I felt fine yesterday morning, but luckily I didn't have to go into work, so I didn't spread it further. #WorstSwagEver
Kenny Meyers: I have tested positive for COVID from SDCC so you know, I'm sorry and I love you.
KingOTheCask: Gonna play tomorrow's stream by ear – I MIGHT (read: did) have picked up Covid at #SDCC and I'm just bed locked.
Kikidoodle: Whelp. Just tested positive for covid. I don't feel much worse than a usual migraine/bad brain day but I always test after a show. Please take a test/be cautious if you visited me at con. TMI weird covid symptom: I have to pee SO DAMN MUCH! I woke up 3-4 times in the middle of the night needing to pee, and it's the main thing getting me up. I used to get frequent UTIs so I know the symptoms and other than frequency there's none of the other usual ones. I'm checking in with any friends I had longer interactions with (my stmptoms started Monday after con) and so many of them tested positive. Im now seeing all these stories of folk who KNEW they were + and attended anyway. May all of them step on Legos and get flat tiresTee Silver: Only time I ever got covid was from sdcc 2023 and I'm so pissed
Ren: FOLKS FROM THE CR [Critical Role – Rich] COSPLAY MEETUP AT SDCC: it has come to my attention that the FRIDA cosplayer at the meet up tested positive for Covid. Please be aware that in order for Covid tests to have accurate results, you should wait at least 5 days before testing… Update: one of the fjords has tested positiveevila_elf: COVID, anyone? My whole room ended up with COVID. Two had bad coughs the last few days, one has a 101 fever, and I just have a mild sore throat and am sneezing. If you are concerned at all about passing it on, please test, even if you just think you have a cold. Everyone reacts differently.
happyasanerd: I had a sore throat Sunday night, got home Monday afternoon, tested negative that night and Tuesday morning, finally tested positive Tuesday night. Mostly fatigue with stuffy/runny nose and sore throat/minor cough.
Kara-El: Yes. My husband's cousin was just diagnosed with Covid and my husband was there since preview day with his family in San Diego. His cousin just alerted us today where he caught it from his friend who had a booth. Now hubby is sequestered and waiting to see if he tests positive in a day or so. He took a test today and it was negative but will test again in a day or so
marshmally: Yeah I got it. My first time ever. It was inevitable but :/
So yes, if you went to San Diego Comic-Con, even if you didn't lick an Ahsoka cosplayer, considering it is now Friday, you may still want to get yourself tested. Just to be on the safe side.