Batman: Hush 2 Evidence... That It's Not Hush Under The Bandages. That's our theory anyway, what do you think?
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, dave sim, doctor who, idw
Dave Sim's Final Four Covers For Doctor Who: Prisoners Of Time Reveal That Last Issue #12…
Courtesy of the Chris Ryall blog…
There was a theory that the Doctor Who: Prisoners Of Time twelve issue series, each featuring a different Doctor for the anniversary year, would do something interesting as there are only eleven Doctors… so far.
Could one feature the John Hurt Doctor? Maybe we'd see a new Doctor in the Christmas special? Ben Daniels or someone…
Well, the Dave Sim variant Doctor Who covers have been revealed, and it gives us the answer. An eleven-full multiple Doctor story to finish it off. The TV show may be giving you The Three Doctors, IDW will give you The Eleven.

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