Posted in: Batman, Comics, Comics Publishers, DC Comics | Tagged: dawn of dc, dc comics, Gotham War, justice league, Knight Terrors
DC Announces New Dawn Of DC Timeline, But Doesn't Hide Anything In It
DC Comics have added the Batman/Catwoman: Gotham War to their Dawn Of DC timeline of eventsfor 2023.That does look quite the scratch.
DC Comics have added the Batman/Catwoman: Gotham War to their Dawn Of DC timeline of events, launches and titles for 2023.
That does look quite the scratch between the two of them.
However, meeting with the contrast settings doesn't seem to reveal anything new, like previous iterations used to. DC Comics first released this look at 2023, with the title "Forging The Future One Hero At A Time". We knew about Lazarus Planet and that it would star Superman and Monkey Prince. But what about what came next? Green Arrow and Green Lantern, Shazam, Batman and Hawkman, and something called "Knight T…"
There was no mention of a Hawkman from DC, or anything beginning "Knight T…"
A later update shifted Green Lantern later a month, as DC dropped one writer in favour of another, possibly to match James Gunn's plans for DC Studios. And the Batman event gave us another letter, "KNIGHT TE…" suggesting Knight Terrors.
Now a new update pushed out Hawkman, saw DC replace him with Cyborg and Titans. But there's more, and if you push the exposure on the image, you see the skull more clearly. As well as the logo confirming the KNIGHT TER or Knight Terrors. A new Wonder Woman series. Hawkman has been moved further down the line rather than dropped. And what was that far right? Let's zoom in a little, shall we?
The Return Of The JL from DC. At some point.
And the beginning of this logo. The Justice League were killed at the end of Justice League #75. They were resurrected during Dark Crisis, but the Justice League is still disbanded. The Titans team are seen to be the natural successors, led by Nightwing. Looks like the Justice League will be returning soon than may have thought. Unless of course it's the Justice Legion….
Then we had the one that made Knight Terrors official.
And hidden in the image was Detective Chimp. But now? Nothing. It's rather disappointing. Instead we'll just have to speculate about those Brainiac tentacles framing the image…