Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: 5g, Batman, Clayton Cowles, dc comics, future state, jace fox, john ridley, Lucius Fox, luke fox, next batman, nick derington, Tamra Bonvillain, tim fox
Everyone Meet Jace Fox – The Next Batman #1 Spoilers
The Next Batman #1 is published today, for DC Future State, with its lead feature story featuring this new Batman revisiting some very familiar tropes, courtesy of 12 Years A Slave screenwriter John Ridley, Doom Patrol artist Nick Derington, colours by Tamra Bonvillian and letters by Clayton Cowles.
Whether that be from The Dark Knight Returns...
Or Batman Year One…
There's a lot of familiar visual reference here for longtime Batman fans who may be a little worried that it's no longer Bruce Wayne under the mask. We all know it's Tim Fox, estranged son of Lucius and Tanya Fox, brother to Luke and Tam Fox.
Tanya is now working for the opposition, for the anti-mask Mayor Nakano, behind the Peacekeeper and Magistrate programs of Gotham, responsible for the believed death of Batman and planning to do the same to The Next Batman. Now with the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU, on their case. Funny, the ACLU has usually been against the actions of armed vigilantes in the USA.
But something bad happened to Tam involving a masked vigilante in Gotham, enough to put her on hospital and enough to turn Tanya Fox, and Lucius Fox, onto the side of The Magistrate.
We know from the publicity that the Next Batman is Tim Fox, though he's going by the name Jace now. Sent away to the military academy by Lucius and Tanya, where they made a bat out of him, presumably. But you wouldn't know this from the comic. Maybe issue 2 out in a couple of weeks?
Welcome all to Jace Fox, The Next Batman. This would have been the shape of Batman going forward originally when Dan DiDio was publisher of DC Comics, now it's just a four-issue, two-month fill-in set in the near future. But with Jace Fox returning to the regular Batman comics of late, will we see him preparing to become the Next Batman later in the year? Or will something take this destiny away from him? Maybe we'll find him on The Elseworld?
Retail: $7.99
1120DC003 | NOV207003 | DCC20110003 | DC Comics
(W) John Ridley – Brandon Thomas – Paul Jenkins (A) Nick Derington – Sumit Kumar – Jackson Herbert (CA) Ladronn
Gotham City has always been dangerous—but now, it's downright deadly! Following the tragedy of "A-Day," the mayor allowed the private law enforcement group known as the Magistrate to take over policing so-called mask crime—and that has given rise to a new Dark Knight! What is this mysterious crime fighter's connection to former Batman weaponeer Lucius Fox? The fight for justice has never been this dangerous! Then, in an new tale of the Outsiders, everything in Gotham City may be under the thumb of the Magistrate—but even members of that totalitarian force know that the outskirts of town are protected by the sword of Katana! Plus, ride with the Arkham Knights on their quest for freedom. Arkham Asylum has been decommissioned, and the Magistrate rules the land with an iron fist and zero tolerance. Now it's time for the lunatics to take back their town! Follow Croc, Two-Face, Phosphorus, Zsasz, Clayface, and Astrid Arkham as the Arkham Knights raise holy hell on the occupiers of Gotham! This title is fully returnable at a later date.
Due Date: 11/27/2020 / FOC: 12/6/2020 / In-Store: 1/5/2021
UPC: 76194137096500111