Dave Cowen is a left-wing writer, Gabriel Wexler, a right-wing artist. Together, they have created a new graphic novel, Should We Buy A Gun?
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: bob burden, cerebus, Comics, dave sim, flaming carrot, kevin eastman, kickstarter, tmnt, turtles
Final Hour Of Flaming Carrot Brings Eastman And Sim To The Rescue
Bob Burden's Kickstarter campaign is ending in about an hour, for a signed and numbered hardcover of Flaming Carrot #4 – #11, The Wild Shall Wild Remain, out of print for many years, as well as including a brand new story, Cryptid.
Dave Sim and Kevin Eastman are creating adding their characters for a limited print, The Great Race, with jet packed Turtles, pole vaulting Cerebus, and a dragon flying Flaming Carrot, signed by all three creators.

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