Hello BC readers, it’s been a while. I’ve been off working on comics (The Freeze Vol 1 trade from Image Comics/Top Cow is in stores now…) but after
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: aaron campbell, andy diggle, Comics, dynamite, entertainment, jock, uncanny
Full First Issue Of Uncanny From Diggle and Campbell
Dynamite continues giving us full comics to share with you, the readers. Today we get Uncanny #1 by writer Andy Diggle, artist Aaron Campbell and covers by Jock. The series is about a man named Weaver who has the unique ability to steal other peoples abilities, memories and expertise for a limited time. Using his abilities as a gambler and con man, Weaver usually is focused on himself only but he gets pulled into a game of international intrigue which may prove his abilities aren't that unique after all.
For more on the series check out Dynamite's website.

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