Posted in: Comics | Tagged: adam kubert, adi granov, alan davis, alex maleev, alvaro martinez bueno, Andrea Cucchi, Arantza Sestayo. Liam Sharp, Arthur Adams, bode, bruno redondo, Casey Parsons, Daniel Sampere, dave mckean, David Mack, Dike Ruan, emanuela lupacchino, Emilio Laiso, enrico marini, Esad Ribic, Federico Bertolucci, frank cho, Gabriele Dell'Otto, geof darrow, Giorgio Cavazzano, Giorgio Comolo, guillem march, Helena Masellis, Iban Coello, Jorge Fornés, Joyce Chin, Juanjo Guarnido, Kent Williams, klaus janson, mark brooks, Mark Buckingham, Mark Raats, Matteo Scalera, Mike Mayhew, milo manara, Mirka Andolfo, olivier coipel, Olivier Vatine, Pierangelo Boog, riccardo federici, Ryan Benjamin, sara pichelli, sean phillips, Serpieri, simone bianchi, Stefano Gaudiano, Tanino Liberatore, tomeu morey, Trevor Hairsine, Vincenzo Riccardi, zu orzu
How Much??? This Year's Lake Como Comic Art Festival Auction In Video
The Lake Comoc Comic Art Festival just held it's auction, open to all at the show. No buyer's fee, no taxes, the highest price bid is the price received. However high or however low. And Bleeding Cool vidoed the whole thing and recorded the winning bids below for each item. One item unavailable, bu will be auctioned by the show at a later date is a Druuna piece pencilled by her creator Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri and inked by Frank Cho, and intended to be one of a number of collaborative pieces by European and American artists auctioned by the show going forward.
And here are all the pieces as best as I could capture them, given the overhead lighting,
Sarah Pichelli – 150 Euros
Scooby Doo's Velma by Arthur Adams – 1300 Euros
Egypt by Mirka Andolfo – 500 Euros
Moon Knight by Gabriele Del'Otto for 1600 Euros.
Spider Duck by Giorgio Cavazzano for 950 Euros
Wolverine #120 cover by Andy Kubert for 11,000 Euros.
Druuna by Frank Cho for 6250 Euros.
Geof Darrow for 2050 Euros
Superman by Mark Raats for 1300 Euros
Alan Davis Young Avengers cover for 3000 Euros
Juanto Guarndo Blacksad illustration for 8000 Euros.
Adi Granov Black Widow for 950 Euros.
Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man page by Mark Buckingham for 550 Euros.
Guests at the show included Arthur Adams, Mirka Andolfo, Ryan Benjamin, Bode, Federico Bertolucci, Simone Bianchi, Mark Buckingham, Bodē, Pierangelo Boog, Giorgio Cavazzano, Mark Brooks, Giorgio Cavazzano, Joyce Chin, Frank Cho, Iban Coello, Olivier Coipel, Giorgio Comolo, Andrea Cucchi, Geof Darrow, Alan Davis, Gabriele Dell'Otto, Riccardo Federici, Jorge Fornés, Stefano Gaudiano, Adi Granov, Juanjo Guarnido, Trevor Hairsine, Klaus Janson, Adam Kubert, Emilio Laiso, Tanino Liberatore, Emanuela Lupacchino, David Mack, Alex Maleev, Milo Manara, Guillem March, Enrico Marini, Álvaro Martínez Bueno, Helena Masellis, Mike Mayhew, Dave McKean, Tomeu Morey, Zu Orzu, Casey Parsons, Sean Phillips, Sara Pichelli, Mark Raats, Bruno Redondo, Esad Ribic, Vincenzo Riccardi, Dike Ruan, Daniel Sampere, Matteo Scalera, Serpieri, Arantza Sestayo. Liam Sharp, Olivier Vatine, Kent Williams, with the likes of CB Cebulski going as an attendee.