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How Secret Wars-y Are Today's Secret Wars Crossovers?
DC Comics know exactly how Convergencey each Convergence title is. In that they are all basically the same. Telos said a thing, everyone had to fight, reluctantly or otherwise, Deimos said another thing, everyone could stop fighting, and then there was an earthquake. Again and again and again.
Secret Wars is different, with individual titles having different levels of connection to the rest of the Battleworld. If you want to read titles that have a greater or lesser connection to the whole, as far as individual issues are concerned, maybe this will help?
Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #1
One Doomhead out of ten for having the logo on the cover. Not a bean inside. Very funny though. Look, Deadpool gets a No-Prize.
A-Force #1
Plenty. We see The Shield, there's an audience between She-Hulk and Sheriff Strange and we get Thors. Seven Doomheads and it's a pretty decent read to boot. Spoilers later.
Master Of Kung Fu #1
As of yet, nothing. Just the cover logo. This one is taking the… well, you know. Very pretty though. An who knows who the emperors are..?
Spider-Verse #1
Nothing. Despite the clear presence of parallel dimensional Spider-Man, not even a note as to where they might have come from… even one one of them is a little on the porcine side. Master Of Kung Fu has more Spider-Verse explanation than this. And some privilege checking from Spider-Man there…
Ultimate End #1
Some. Doom is mentioned, as are Thors and the realisation that this very world which has recognised a crossing over of dimensions may be of concern to Doom's law…
Also some S&M fantasy from Black Widow there. I wonder if Hawkeye's safe word will have to be in Sentence case?
Secret Wars: Battleworld #1
Oh plenty plenty plenty. A Punisher/Doc Strange hybrid being pursued across worlds by Doom's alternate Fantastic Four , a meeting with the Inferno Wolverine and Sheriff Strange and a bunch of Thors summoned to deal with a multitude of MODOKs from across the Battleworld, this comic lays out the land. And gives us mystic weapons, Frank Castle style…
Planet Hulk #1
Lots. Sheriff Strange banishing a Captain America in the manner of Absolom Daak, Dalek Killer, Ulks Vs Thors, crossworld missions, and on-panel Doom. More than in Battleworld, even.
So, if you are a fan of the Battleworld or not, you now have a better choice to make….
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. Currently holding an exhibit of the work of Declan Shalvey. And where, on Saturday, James Eatock will be signing Dark Horse Comics' The Art of He-Man along with all-new issues of Cereal Geek.