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"I Think Irene Would Make A Fantastic Solo Book" – Leah More On Irene Adler
Writer Leah Moore discusses Swords of Sorrow: Dejah Thoris/Irene Adler #2, on sale now. Cover by Jay Anacleto.
BYRON BREWER: Leah, have you been surprised at the positive fan reaction and great critical acclaim Swords of Sorrow has received this summer?
LEAH MOORE: Not at all, I knew people would love it. Gail has a very loyal fan base, and there are so many great creators on board, it was always going to be a great event. Personally though, I have been pleasantly surprised with so many good reviews! Seems like people are really enjoying it so far, and I really hope they enjoy #3. It's very nice to see the things you write having the desired effect!
BB: What have you found the most challenging about bringing these two female heroes, Dejah Thoris and Irene Adler, together?
LM: I think the most challenging thing was the hugeness of the project, with all the worlds colliding, and then the very small space to make that work in. Re-reading my story as it comes out, I'm glad I fitted so much in, but it really felt like a squeeze at the time. Writing two women on two worlds, and have them both have adventures, and have it all make sense, in only 66 pages? That was the tough part!
BB: In the telling of your tale, have there been any unexpected surprises that kind of caught you off guard as the writer of the piece?
LM: I think the vehemence of the characters when they met surprised me. I was all ready to fill in some pretty ho hum fighting chat, and then the voices just came out, and the characters wrote themselves really fun and badass and with a real warmth. Writing is always magic, but when your characters decide to hijack their dialogue, that actually feels incredible.
BB: Which of these two heroines would you most like to get in a solo series if that came about?
LM: I think Irene would make a fantastic solo book, she's a really flexible character, I an see her perfectly at home in any setting. I think her wit and her bravery make her just about the perfect hero for a series, and she can change her look or her public identity whenever you like, because she's a master of disguise. Saying that, a book where maybe Dejah Thoris got to go to Virginia and take on John Carter's world? A red skinned Martian woman in Civil War-era America? I'd write that, no doubt. She'd have a derby, and a duster jacket and ride a horse and dispense justice! Gimme all the books to write please!
BB: What have you found most pleasing or challenging about participating in the Swords of Sorrow crossover event?
LM: The most pleasing thing has been the emails back and forth amongst all the women writing it. With normal comics jobs, you send in your script, you might get notes, and then art to approve, and stuff, but its not usually a chatty place to be. On SOS we've been in this big email group talking about our own stories, and each others, and just enjoying the company of all these other badass female writers. I wish more projects were like that, it's been a blast.
For more information on Swords of Sorrow: Dejah Thoris & Irene Adler #2, click here.