Posted in: Comics, Comics Publishers, Current News, Image | Tagged: diamond, lunar
Image Comics No Longer Available To Diamond, Dstlry Remains Optimistic
Image Comics are no longer available to be ordered through Diamond comic Distributors, only Lunar, but Dstlry remains optimistic
Article Summary
- Diamond Comic Distributors enters Chapter 11 bankruptcy, stirring uncertainty in the comic book market.
- Image Comics shifts to Lunar Distribution exclusively, ending its subdistribution through Diamond.
- Dstlry remains committed to Diamond despite its bankruptcy, expressing optimism for a turnaround.
- The comic industry braces for changes, from Free Comic Book Day to distribution logistics.
When Diamond Comic Distributors announced they were entering Chapter 11 bankruptcy, they stated that they expected business to continue as normal. Lunar Distribution has told comic book stores that Diamond will no longer be distributing Image titles. While Image was exclusive to Lunar, unlike DC Comics, they allowed retailers to continue to order through Diamond, who ordered through Lunar, subdistributed to stores. That halfway house will now end.
Image Comics will print anything that was ordered by FOC on the 13th of January through Lunar and Diamond but will now only be available directly from Lunar. This will affect comics released during the first week of February, with graphic novels later. How this will affect Diamond UK, which almost exclusively subdistribute Image Comics to British comic book stores, as well as Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, IDW, and the rest, is currently unknown. When Lunar tried directly distributing DC Comics titles to UK stores from the US, the shipping cost was higher than the comic books being shipped.
Meanwhile, you have to feel for comic book publisher Dstlry, who jumped ship from Lunar at the end of last year to go exclusive with Diamond. It can't have been the best timing. They write to comic book stores saying, "We're aware of Diamond's bankruptcy announcement today and remain optimistic that they will emerge from the Chapter 11 process stronger and better. DSTLRY has no current plans to change our distribution arrangements. Should we decide to make any changes to how our products are sold, we will let you know immediately. David & Chip."
The impact of Diamond Comic Distributors declaring bankruptcy has hardly been felt yet. Bigger publishers with lots of stock in the Diamond warehouse, smaller publishers unable to be distributed by Lunar or Penguin Random House, the fall off of the Diamond Books distribution of graphic novels into bookstores, stores being able to use Diamond as a "bank" for payments due, the Previews catalogue, Free Comic Book Day, there is so much more to come.