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Marc Bernardin & Ariela Kristantina Create Adora And The Distance OGN
Fatman On Batman podcaster, writer, director and producer Marc Bernardin and comic book artist Ariela Kristantina of InSeXts, Mata Hari, Deep State, and The Logan Legacy and have created a new graphic novel inspired by a father's love for his autistic daughter, called Adora and The Distance. Coloured by Bryan Valenza, lettered by Bernardo Brice, and edited by Will Dennis, it is getting published digitally this month from comiXology Originals, timed to Father'd Day. And for added geek cred, it has a foreword by Damon Lindelof. Inspired by Bernardin's daughter who was diagnosed with autism as a toddler, Adora and The Distance is a YA fantasy story about "a brave young woman of colour who lives in a fantastical world with underground pirates, giants, and ghosts who must confront a mysterious force called "The Distance" which threatens to destroy it all."
Marc Bernardin has been developing Adora and The Distance for more than a decade. "According to the CDC, one in 54 children in America are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. That's millions and millions of kids — and millions more parents and siblings who have someone with autism in their lives," said Bernardin. "I didn't want to tell a story about those of us who love their autistic friends or family members. Instead, I wanted to try and imagine the story one of those kids could be telling about themselves, about the adventures they're taking inside their own mind. It's the story I most want to hear." "Every creator-owned project is personal to its creator, but this book feels even more so," said Kristantina, who is a single mother. "It's a great book to give to young adults who may not read comics, but love fantasy stories. And it's a great book for adults looking for a sese of hope, nostalgia, and reflection upon their own childhood."
Damon Lindelof's foreword states that "at the end of your journey, Dear Reader, I have no doubt you will feel closer to Adora . . . and by the deft magic and intimate honesty of the storytelling, you will feel closer to the very real person upon whom Adora is based. . . . And if you have anything resembling the same experience, I have no doubt you will emerge as I have . . . Triumphant and Transformed."
Marc Bernardin has been developing Adora and The Distance for more than a decade. "According to the CDC, one in 54 children in America are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. That's millions and millions of kids — and millions more parents and siing about themselves, about the adventures they're taking inside their own mind. It's the story I most want to hear."blings who have someone with autism in their lives," said Bernardin. "I didn't want to tell a story about those of us who love their autistic friends or family members. Instead, I wanted to try and imagine the story one of those kids could be tell
Adora and The Distance will be available digitally on the 15th of June 2021, in time for Father's Day, and will be made available streaming free to those with Amazon Prime, Kindle Unlimited, and comiXology Unlimited. For those who are not, it will also be for sale digitally the Amazon Kindle Store and comiXology. And it has a few back-cover quotes from folk of note too.
- "Adora and the Distance begins as a fantasy, all fun and brilliance, like a Game of Thrones for teenage girls, and then transmutes into something deeper and more moving, a reflection of an interior life that solves all the riddles it has propounded in a way that is both satisfying and heartbreaking. I'm so glad it exists." — Neil Gaiman
- "A letter from a parent to a child with love so overflowing that it's visible on every page." — Kelly Sue DeConnick
- "Adora and the Distance is a magical tale that packs incredible heart, and tells a wonderful story more grounded in our reality than it appears." — Joe Henderson
- "An engrossing, enchanting tale of a difficult journey that expands outward until it's landed in our own reality, giving us the most magical thing art has ever been able to: empathy." — Emily V. Gordon
- "Gorgeously rendered and tenderly told, Adora and the Distance is the story of an extraordinary child–and the extraordinary people who love her. You cannot help but be moved." — G. Willow Wilson
- "Bernardin and Kristantina have pulled off a true magic trick. Adora and the Distance lures you in with dazzling fantasy yet its true magic lies in its passionate, heartfelt exploration of deeper truths about connection, understanding and forgiveness through love. One of the most daring and heartfelt books I've read this year." — Scott Snyder