Posted in: Comics | Tagged: generations, journalistic untegrity, marvel, super-mega-crossover events, vanishing point
Marvel Reveals All Creative Teams, Covers For Generations, Getting Press Release Right On Third Try
Marvel has released yet another media blast for Generations, the upcoming publishing stunt that will save Marvel from the brink of destruction as the ever-diminishing effects of its current marketing stunt, Secret Empire, continue to fade. This marks the third time Marvel has tried to reveal its plans for Generations, only to leave out key details like certain creative members or covers. In Marvel's last attempt, they were still missing the artist on Generations: The Marvels, featuring Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel, as well as covers for that and Generations: The Iron, featuring Iron Man and Iron Heart. Well, they were bound to get it right eventually.
We were beginning to think the art for Generations: The Marvels would materialize fully formed out of thin air, as Marvel tends to promise with a lot of upcoming books, but they end up replacing black magic with an actual artist before the book actually hits stores. In a press release filled with roughly the same recycled marketing copy as the last several times, Marvel describes Generations as an "epic 10-issue series" that "brings together iconic and present day heroes such as Miles Morales and Peter Parker, Amadeus Cho and Bruce Banner, Iron Man and Ironheart, Laura Kinney and Logan, and many more of your favorite characters."
"GENERATIONS unites the present day heroes of the Marvel Universe with their forbearers from the past in order to chart the course of the future!" said Marvel Senior Vice President of Platitudes and Passive Aggressive Social Media Posts Tom Brevoort. "These ten adventures are the stepping stones to everything that is to come for all of these characters!"
Basically, if you miss out on Generations, you won't know what's going on at Marvel until the next crossover or super-mega-crossover event, which could take months to happen. The press release points out that "The stories of GENERATIONS begin at the Vanishing Point, and these epic tales offer fans a direct bridge and prelude into the sense-shattering Marvel Legacy, as the challenges and revelations of GENERATIONS will alter the destinies of our heroes moving forward in a dramatic fashion!" Is it possible to sue Marvel for shattering our senses so often? We haven't been able to smell anything since Avengers vs. X-Men!
Check out the full lineup and covers below, and get ready to drop fifty bucks on these if you want all ten issues in August in September:
August On Sale
GENERATIONS: THE STRONGEST starring Bruce Banner and Amadeus Cho, the Totally Awesome Hulk
Written by Greg Pak
Art by Matteo Buffagni
GENERATIONS: THE PHOENIX starring The Phoenix and Jean Grey
Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by RB Silva
GENERATIONS: THE BEST starring Wolverine and All-New Wolverine
Written by Tom Taylor
Art by Ramon Rosanas
GENERATIONS: THE THUNDER starring The Mighty Thor and The Unworthy Thor
Written by Jason Aaron
Art by Mahmud Asrar
GENERATIONS: THE ARCHERS starring Hawkeyes, Clint Barton and Kate Bishop
Written by Kelly Thompson
Art by Stefano Raffaele
September On Sale
GENERATIONS: THE BRAVEST starring Captain Mar-Vell and Captain Marvel
Written by Margie Stohl
Art by Brent Schoonover
GENERATIONS: THE MARVELS starring Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel
Written by G. Willow Wilson
GENERATIONS: THE IRON starring Iron Man and Ironheart
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Marco Rudy
GENERATIONS: THE SPIDERS starring Peter Parker: Spider-Man and Miles Morales: Spider-Man
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Ramon Perez
GENERATIONS: THE AMERICAS starring Steve Rogers: Captain America and Sam Wilson: Captain America
Written by Nick Spencer
Art by Paul Renaud