Japan's Spider-Man, Takuya Yamashiro, For The Spider-Verse, by Kyle Higgins, Mat Groom and Luciano Vecchio
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, gay, kyle, marriage, marvel, northstar
Marvel's Gay Marriage News To Hit The View
Just as DC Comics is turning the headlines purple with the news at Kapow that a previously established character would be rebooted as a gay person, so Marvel Comics announced they have their own headlines in mind.
Tune into ABC at 11a/10a E/C tomorrow as the hosts of ABC's The View exclusively reveal a major Marvel announcement! This is your first chance to get a look at the moment in Astonishing X-Men #50 that will have everyone talking!
This should be the announcement of Northstar and Kyle's wedding in Astonishing X-Men #50, which goes on sale early tomorrow!

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