Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: credits, movie, new mutants
New Mutants Co-Creator Bob McLeod's Name Misspelled In Movie Credits
Comic Con organiser Mitchell Hallock went to see the New Mutants movie with comic book creator Jerry Ordway yesterday. It has been a long time coming. They both enjoyed the film, and on Facebook, Hallock talked about how the cinema had transformed itself for social distancing, mask-wearing and disinfecting. Noting the film was "very enjoyable and very faithful to the "Demon Bear"comic storyline. Small, quiet and creepy setting as we meet our heroes. The cast was all superb. I won't give anything away other to say it was cool to see the characters I had read about in the 80s come to life on the big screen."
But there was one proviso. "What wasn't cool was misspelling one of the New Mutants creators name wrong on the credits. It's Bob McLeod, not Bob MACleod! You had one job credit writer get the name right! Heck they spelled Bill Sienkiewicz and Chris Claremont correctly!"
Bleeding Cool is well accustomed to the art of typos, indeed once would argue we have made it an art form. But it's always interesting to see others do it bigger and better than we ever could.
Bill Sienkiewicz himself posted in response, "Unbelievable- that misspelling is pretty egregious. I suspect a nameless exec. This wasn't Josh's screwup- he told me Bob would get a creator credit and he definitely knows how to spell everyone's name. I will reach out to some folks at Disney to let them know – hopefully it can be corrected ASAP"
Mitch added "Jerry and I looked at each other when the names came up and said "that's not how you spell McLeod". Jerry said if they can spell "Sienkiewicz" how hard can it be."
Bill replied "Having had my name butchered a dozen ways to Sunday over the years, trust me I know this sucks. I have endless empathy and sympathy for Bob right now. having one's name screwed up on such a singular important thing as this is the absolute worst-"
Chris Claremont also gave his tuppenceworth, "Are you fucking *kidding* me? Those wankers couldn't spell Bob McLeod's *name* properly? With over *3* years to check & double-check the footage? Lemme guess, by the time they got to the bottom of the closing credits—which is where credits like ours invariably end-up—whoever was responsible for placing them simply didn't care. Not important enough, apparently. And yes, this does make me f-ing bloody furious. (That said, living in NYUC, it's not like we'll ever get an open theater wherein to see the film anyroad … argh!)"
And as for those credits, Mitch told Chris "your credits were up after the actors credits. It was you, Bill and Bob in large letters"
Copies of New Mutants #18, the first Demon Bear, can be picked up pretty cheaply…