Posted in: Comics | Tagged: april 2018, invader zim, oni press, rick and morty, Solicits
Learn How to Use They/Them Pronouns: Oni Press April 2018 Solicits
Archie Bongiovanni and Tristan Jimerson bring you a Quick and Easy Guide to They/Them Pronouns, and Archie Coe and the Way to Dusty Death comes at you from Jamie S. Rich and Dan Christensen. Plus, Invader Zim, Damned, and Rick and Morty continue to headline the monthly release, all from Oni Press' April solicits. Details below.
A Quick & Easy Guide to They/Them Pronouns
Advance Solicit for June
(W) Archie Bongiovanni and Tristan Jimerson (A/CA) Archie Bongiovanni
Genre: Educational, 64 Pages, $7.99, RELEASE DATE: 6/13/18, Young Adult Audiences
Archie, a snarky genderqueer artist, is tired of people not understanding gender neutral pronouns. Tristan, a cisgender dude, is looking for an easy way to introduce gender neutral pronouns to his increasingly diverse workplace. The longtime best friends team up in this short and fun comic guide that explains what pronouns are, why they matter, and how to use them. They also include what to do if you make a mistake, and some tips-and-tricks for those who identify outside of the binary to keep themselves safe in this binary-centric world. A quick and easy resource for people who use they/them pronouns, and people who want to learn more!
Archer Coe and the Way to Dusty Death
Advance Solicit for June
(W) Jamie S. Rich (A/CA) Dan Christensen
Genre: Crime/Mystery, 136 Pages, $19.99, RELEASE DATE: 6/27/18, Adult
Archer Coe, master hypnotist, is back to performing by day and consulting for the rich and influential by night. Most of his cases are mundane—save his most recent, which ended in quite a few deaths—and that's what Archer expects from his newest client, heiress Nicolette Hardy. Her mother's untimely death has sent her father into a deep depression, and a self-proclaimed mystic, Jane Collins, has taken advantage of his grief by promising him an audience with his dead wife. Archer knows Jane, and he believes she's a fraud. But he has trouble convincing Nicolette's father, and as strange happenings unfold around him, Archer soon has trouble convincing himself. It's clear Jane holds some power—but it's also clear that Jane has no idea how much. Will Archer save Jane and the Hardys before her power becomes uncontrollable? Or will this case be his final curtain?
Bad Machinery Vol. 5: The Case of the Fire Inside, Pocket Edition
Advance Solicit for June
(W/A/C/CA) John Allison
Genre: Mystery/Humor, 128 Pages, $12.99, RELEASE DATE: 6/20/18, All Ages
The new year brings the all the joys and near-drownings of young love in The Case of the Fire
Inside, the fifth volume of the award-winning series Bad Machinery!
Sonny meets a mysterious new girl who seems to have climbed out of the sea itself, while Mildred falls for the bad boy of Saturday detention. But can either of them succeed in the face of jealous exes, overprotective fathers, and the persistent tide of DESTINY?
Courtney Crumrin, Vol. 3: The Twilight Kingdom
Advance solicit for June
(W/A/CA) Ted Naifeh (C) Warren Wucinich
Genre: Fantasy/Horror, 144 Pages, $12.99, RELEASE DATE: 6/20/18, All Ages
Courtney Crumrin's magical education has begun in full under the tutelage of Calpurnia Crisp. But Courtney isn't her only pupil, and she quickly realizes her classmates don't know nearly as much about the dangers of magic as she does. When they turn the youngest student into a night creature, Courtney reluctantly agrees to help—and immediately regrets it when the students storm the Twilight Kingdom with disastrous results. But Courtney's got bigger problems to deal with—a man named Templeton, who suspects Courtney's involvement in the death of a certain warlock. Can Courtney save a bunch of arrogant kids while evading the lawkeeper? Maybe if they were in the human world. But as Courtney knows, the Twilight Kingdom is as unpredictable as it is dangerous—and it can quickly turn deadly.
Invader Zim #30
(W) Eric Trueheart (A) Maddie C. (C) Fred C. Stresing (Cover A) Maddie C. with Fred C.
Stresing (Cover B) Krooked Glasses, Genre: Sci-Fi/Humor, 32 Pages, $3.99, RELEASE
DATE: 4/11/18, All Ages
Turns out there is more to Darkpoop Cola than meets the eye, and now Dib has been recruited into the inner circle of Poopwatch, a secret society dedicated to stopping the advance of dark forces who would use the power of Poop for evil. But can Dib get his hands on a bottle of
Darkpoop before Gaz kills him? And what does this have to do with ZIM? The thrilling part two of a two-part two-parter!
Invader Zim Hardcover Vol. Two
Advance solicit for June
(W) Jhonen Vasquez, Aaron Alexovich, Eric Trueheart, Danielle Koenig, Sarah Andersen
(A/C)Sarah Andersen with Katy Farina, Warren Wucinich with Fred C. Stresing, Aaron
Alexovich with Cassie Kelly (CA) Warren Wucinich with J.R. Goldberg, Genre:
Sci-Fi/Humor, 32 Pages, $49.99, RELEASE DATE: 6/27/18, All Ages
At long last, another deluxe hardcover edition of the Invader ZIM comics! They're bigger! They're badder! They're better! Actually, they are just bigger, and otherwise the same comics. But don't they always say bigger is better? This collection of issues #11-#20 of the beloved
comic features a hilarious slate of ZIM comics, including "Floopsy Bloops Shmoopsy," "Burrito King," "ZIMZOO," "Tales of Ms. Bitters," and more! So much more. Maybe… too much? Naaaaah.
Rick and Morty #37
(W) Kyle Starks, Tini Howard and Josh Trujillo (A) Marc Ellerby and Rii Abrego (C) Sarah
Stern (Cover A) Marc Ellerby with Allison Strejlau (Cover B) Julia Scott, Genre:
Sci-Fi/Humor, 32 Pages, $3.99, RELEASE DATE: 4/25/18, Teen, 16+
LET THE RICK ONE IN: PART I. In this two-part spooky special, Rick and Morty face the hideous hordes of the sexy undead—VAMPIRES! Featuring the goth co-writing styles of Tini Howard ( Assassinistas, Rick and Morty: Pocket Like You Stole It )!
Rick and Morty Vol. 7
Advance solicit for June
(W) Kyle Starks, Pamela Ribon, Tini Howard, Magdalene Visaggio (A/C) CJ Cannon, Marc
Ellerby, Kyle Starks, Erica Hayes with Katy Farina, Allison Strejlau, and Sarah Stern (CA)
CJ Cannon with Katy Farina, Genre: Sci-Fi/Humor, 128 Pages, $19.99, RELEASE DATE: 5/16/18, Teen, 16+
The hit comic book series based on Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland's hilarious [adult swim]™ animated show RICK AND MORTY™ continues in all-new stories not seen on TV! Catch up on the adventures of degenerate genius scientist Rick Sanchez as he drags his
inherently timid grandson Morty Smith on dangerous adventures across the universe! This volume features Eisner-nominated writers Kyle Starks ( Sexcastle ) and Magdalene Visaggio ( Kim & Kim ) in collaboration with series artists CJ Cannon and Marc Ellerby, plus guest writers Tini Howard ( Rick and Morty™: Pocket Like You Stole It ), Pamela Ribon (Moana), and Rick and Morty™storyboard artist Erica Hayes. Watch as Summer discovers doomed romance! Learn the tragic secrets of Krombopulos Michael! Check out some really cool dinosaurs! All that and more in this collection of Rick and Morty ™ comics! Collects issues #31-35.
The Ballad of Sang #2
(W) Ed Brisson (A) Alessandro Micelli (A/CA) Shari Chankhamma
Genre: Action/Adventure, 32 Pages, $3.99, RELEASE DATE: 04/18/18, Mature Audiences
DEATH TO FALSE METAL! Sang has gone into hiding after cutting off and stealing the arm of the biggest, baddest gangster in the city—and Minchella wants more than just his arm back. Now there's a price on Sang's head, one that THE VEXXXED—a gang of big haired, metal loving, motorcycle riding, coked up relics of the 80s—are happy to cash in on. Sang and his new companion Lucy are on the run, but can they outrun The Vexxxed?
The Damned #9
(W) Cullen Bunn (A) Brian Hurtt (C) Bill Crabtree (CA) Brian Hurtt with Bill Crabtree
Genre: Crime/Fantasy, 32 Pages, $3.99, RELEASE DATE: 4/11/18, Mature Audiences
Before they were cursed, before they were damned, Eddie, Morgan, Sophie, and the Wyrm were just kids with big dreams of striking it rich. But when your plan is to rob a demon-run gambling operation, those dreams can quickly turn to nightmares. Brian Hurtt and Cullen Bunn
present a new story from Eddie's past, one that spells trouble for his future.