Posted in: Comics | Tagged: boom studios, cartoon network, Comics, entertainment, kaboom, Kevin Church, mad rupert, Regular show
Preview Regular Show's 25th Anniversary Issue This Week
As you all know, BOOM! Studios, and KaBOOM! put out some really awesome books. Some of which are based on Cartoon Network TV shows such as Adventure Time, and classic comics like Peanuts. This week brings us an anniversary issue of Regular Show with their 25th issue, written by Kevin Church, with art by Mad Rupert. In this stand-alone story, Benson gives all Park employees fitness devices to encourage them all to be healthier, but Rigby refuses to work out. Then his device starts possessing him and now Rigby can't stop working out!
For those of you who don't know, Regular Show follows Mordecai the Bluejay and Rigby the Raccoon, a couple of best bros in their twenties. As always, the duo is incredibly entertaining. The issue will provide you with a ton of laugh out loud moments. Take a look at the first five pages below!
Christine Marie is a Staff Writer at Bleeding Cool, and bibliomaniac with a love for all things creative. She hopes to one day be a Superhero/Disney Princess/Novelist. You can find her on Twitter and Instagram @AWritersWay or on her blog