Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: 24, 7th Sword, Amazing World Of Gumballs, Batman, batman eternal, bravest warriors, C.O.W.L., chew, Clockwork Angels, Comics, Deceivers, Dejah Of Mars, entertainment, flash gordon, future's end, ghostbusters, green hornet, guardians of the galaxy, invincible, justice league, my little pony, New Avengers Annual, Nightbreed, original sins, outcast, peanuts, revival, saga, savage hulk, Solar, Super Secret Crisis War, Transformers x2, trees, Turok, turtles, uncanny avengers, wolverine, x-files, x-force
38 Thoughts About 38 Comics – Outcast, Saga, Trees, Chew, Revival, C.O.W.L, Justice League, Futures End, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Batman Eternal, New Avengers Annual, Uncanny Avengers, Batman, Original Sins, Savage Hulk, Wolverine, X-Force, Invincible, X-Files, Turok, Flash Gordon, Dejah Of Mars, Solar, Super Secret Crisis War, Transformers x2, 24, Deceivers, Green Hornet, Bravest Warriors, Amazing World Of Gumballs, Clockwork Angels, Nightbreed, Peanuts, 7th Sword, Ghostbusters, My Little Pony And Turtles
Batman, the great detective there, using his master skills of deduction, in Justice League #32. Are they going to be able to put this frog back in the box any time soon?
That war with Earth 2… could that be coming next May on the 30th anniversary of Crisis On Infinite Earths? Futures End provides more evidence.
And The Super Secret Crisis War! #1 shows us where this may end up, as Ben 10 starts to taunt a variety of cross franchise characters…
Outcast #1 has a "message" as we get to grips with the title of the exorcism comic getting all literal, with a very nasty demon possessed jumping kid. But there are quite a few outspoken youngsters around today.
Such as that of Saga #20… on the arrival of a babysitter.
And even C.O.W.L. #2 isn't immune. Kids today, eh? No manners, I can't tell the demon possessed from the unpossessed these days.
Revival understands the internet and its demands completely. One day, so will I.
I told you those black poppies in Trees #2 were important. Per Edge Of Darkness, they would lead to the wiping out of humanity. What will happen this time?
And that's what happens when an important seal is killed in Chew. Not an Army Seal. Just a seal. PETE should totally get in on this one.
As Captain Marvel (finally) turns up in Guardians Of The Galaxy, the Skrulls seem to be keen readers of the work of Douglas Adams. Well, its one way to acclimatise. And as for that Venom costume, Mr Skrull…
Suit you sir!
Batman Eternal points a finger in the viewer's face. A little too close for comfort, but at least the prosecutor shows he can hold his arm about pointing at the accused for a good few sentences without breaking a sweat.. And no Stephanie Brown that I can see. Will anyone make an objection?
Okay, Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #30 shows the danger of that.
Though they'd probably have a better case against the hamster cheeked Jack Bauer in 24…
New Avengers Annual does look very very pretty and goes on the kind of ethereal painted journey through the pages, twisting and turning panels with the paint line that you may equate with modern day David Mack. But this is with Frank Barbiere and Marco Rudy.
Is this the first time Rogue has said this line, in Uncanny Avengers? If so, shame on all Marvel writers for ever…. apart from Rick Remender who finally got around to it.
The Riddler has only slightly worse customer service than T-Mobile, I see, in today's rather climactic Batman.
Though the Hood has mobile phone-and-comics issues of his own in Original Sins… see the faint blue print at the bottom.
Savage Hulk, set in the days of Neal Adams' X-Men, which is handy for the Adams inspired Alan Davis, interrupts the violence for this rather beautiful scene of transformation under the moon – which once signalled his move from man to monster before the rage set in. Is this also the first mention of Hulk's super-ight?
Wolverine gets the Ghost Rider to spout fourth wall breaking self awareness about death in comic books. Well, with a head like that, he'd be an expert. But it does set up an uncoming non-death death…
Si Spurrier on X-Force there, mocking his countrymen. Or mocking the American folk who mock his countrymen. Maybe he's having his cake and eating it? More on this comic later I think.Invincible gets very Miracleman as one guy, basically, takes down the planet;s superheroic comunity, one by one, by one. We even get an "I did it thirty-five minutes ago bit as well!"
I wonder what plants Midas Flesh #7 could be referring to? Couldn't they find a graveyard to bury them in?
Oh, it's those kind of plants. X-Files Season 10 #13 tackles that very real danger at the heart of society of smoking weed in a cemetery. At least they don't have to be jettisoned into space.
Turok #5 hows us exactly the way to make an impression on meeting a member of the opposite sex. In the old days, a knight would kill a dragon to woo a fair maiden. But that's all far too old fashioned, and a foot to a dinosaur face will do the trick instead.
Flash Gordon always ends up in some kind of gladiatorial combat, but not always with oversized furries. The new version is a little more world weary… or universe weary… about it all though.
Solar #3 also goes for the blasé, when changing clothes through molecular manipulation, anyone else in the room just isn't bothered….
Dejah Of Mars #2 threatens death by mouth. I really hope no one find this kind of thing erotic…
I find it hard to read that sentence in Deceivers #6 without thinking of Dynamite publisher Nick Barrucci who I used to write an interview column for…
Now of course I work for his rival, William Christensen of Avatar Press and published of Crossed. Mark Waid's Green Hornet knows the score.
Hmm, I suddenly get the feeling I might need to apologise to a few folk. How best to approach such a situation?
Bravest Warriors #21 gives me the tip I need. Big, water filled eyes…. how can you stay mad at that for anything longer than a picosecond?
Of course big water filled eyes can have other effects, as in Amazing World Of Gumballs #1…
Clockwork Angels #3 has a three ball juggler that is not holding a single ball at any one time. Does that ever happen?
Another tip. To avoid reckonings, never hit a Nightbreed on the head with a glass bottle. Also, such public displays of violence can have a dangerous influence on young people or animals.
Peanuts #19 gives us a frighteningly aggressive Snoopy. You know, if any dog went after a kid like that, unleashed, the authorities would put it down. Yes, the Euthanise Snoopy campaign starts here.
Of course there are other pets of choice, such as in 7th Sword #3. Better muzzle him though, don't you think?
Ghostbusters #17 do, lets be fair, have faces drawn to be slapped. Certainly the men. All those lifted noses and cheeks, they look more like Slimer than he does…
My Little Pony #20 brings us class warfare, over a pot of Darjeeling….
Transformers: Windblade #3 tackles that tricky topic of sexual harassment in the workplace.
TMNT New Animated Adventures #12 finds a needle in a haystack. It helps when the needle is so brightly decorated. More like finding a glow stick in a haystack which might be considerably easier.
So… what have you been reading today?
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London, launching the lost SMASH! art exhibition in two days time.