SCOOP: Magdalene Visaggio is to write the Rocky Horror Show comic book to be published by Dark Horse Comics for Hallowe'en
Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: comic con, Comics, marvel, MVL, san diego
A Rather Sexy Spider-Island… (UPDATE)
A first look at October Spider-Man covers, live from the Spider-Man panel at San Diego Comic Con… oh my. Quick, I need something else to…
That's better. Thanks Dan.
The panel discussed Cloak And Dagger, an interesting comic as Marvel comics with couples in them aren't the norm. Well, indeed. *cough*Mephisto*cough*.
A look at Venom for October… Angel MEdina is from issue 9 though.
And how about some pages from Joe Madureira for the upcoming Avenging Spider-Man?

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