Posted in: Pop Culture, Recent Updates | Tagged: Balticon, Balticon 52, Carol Salemi, cosplay, HRL
Balticon 2018 Cosplay Workshop: Making Fuzzy Cat Ears
So, I used to cosplay. When I was younger I'd sew costumes together for Otakon and go about my little anime-loving way. I've gotten out of cosplay for the most part, but every now and again I still love to create things.
At Balticon this past weekend, there were a number of workshops where participants could create something and take it home. I went to the fuzzy ear workshop, since making cat ears is fairly simple. Host Carol Salemi gave a quick tutorial on how to cut fur (follow the fur, never cut against it), which patterns to use, and how to glue everything together. Within minutes I and my friends had a new pair of ears to wear around the con!
Carol makes beautiful jewelry as well — check it out on her Etsy store! And if you'd like to make your own fuzzy cat ears at home, here's a great step-by-step guide.