Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: beer, brian bendis, Comics, entertainment, Galactica IPA, guardians of the galaxy
Booze Geek: Galactica
By Dylan Gonzalez
Beer: Galactica IPA
Brewery: Clown Shoes Brewery
I continue with the Clown Shoes beers on Booze Geek this week. As a follow-up to Supa Hero, I throw back a bottle of Galactica, whose logo is a "hop staff wielding heroine."
Galactica pours a medium that lasts for a while. It has a nice orange-amber coloration, with little to no active carbonation to be seen.
The beer produces a hoppy scent, but it is nowhere near as hoppy as Supa Hero, the previous Clown Shoes beer that I reviewed. It is a nice sweet and citrusy smell, with some malt present as well.
Once again, the malt flavor is pretty prominent in this IPA, creating a nice mix with the hops. The hops themselves are much more mild, at least from what I found. I felt that this worked to its advantage. The slightly sweet and creamy aftertaste was particularly nice.
On the palate, I found this to be comfortable. The carbonation is present here, but not unpleasant. Overall, this is a very good IPA, perhaps one of the better I have had in a while. It is a much more enjoyable beer than Supa Hero and I would recommend it highly.
What to Drink This To:
With the Guardians of the Galaxy picking up steam over at Marvel, go check out the current series from Brian Bendis and his great artist lineup, including the comic classic Kevin Maguire coming on next week. And when the movie inevitably rolls around, pop a bottle or two of this open before seeing the flick.
Dylan Gonzalez happens to love beer and comic books and luckily found a place to write about the former because he has no idea how to actually make money in the real world. He lives in a cave in New Jersey.
Tweet him at @BeardedPickle, follow his own beer blog at email him at