The estate of Sir Terry Pratchett removing Neil Gaiman from the Good Omens Kickstarter was the most-read story on Bleeding Cool yesterday.
Posted in: Recent Updates | Tagged: 3.99, brian bendis, marvel, ultimate spider-man
Internet Nerdtrum Ends Up Being Right By Accident
Back in February when the relaunch of Ultimate Spider-Man was announced, a few people on the Bendis board complained that it would probably be a $3.99 title.
Bendis replied saying "i know the internet is the home of nerdtrums, but holy lord… neither this book or [Spider-Woman] is 3.99 btw."
However there's many a slip 'tween creator and beancounter. And the solicitations for Ultimate Spider-Man #1 just hit.
You can see where I'm going with this can't you?
Release the fury of the nerdtrum internet! Just don't put the blame on Brian, it's not like he's actually setting prices here…
Thanks to Tom Daylight for the link.
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