Posted in: Movies, Recent Updates, TV | Tagged: entertainment, John Noble, Katia Winter, Lyndie Greenwood, MCM Comic Con Birminham, Nicole Beharie, orlando jones, sleepy hollow, tv
MCM Comic Con Birmingham – Meeting the Women of Sleepy Hollow
Olly MacNamee writes for Bleeding Cool:
[*Spoilers for Season One of Sleepy Hollow!]
For fans of the first season of Sleepy Hollow, the finale did not disappoint. Revealing to viewers that Henry Parrish was actually Ichabod and Katrina's vengeful son, Jeremy, who had been locked in a state of living death in a coffin for over two hundred years, was big enough a shocker. That he was also War, one of the Moloch's Horsemen of the Apocalypse, served us up a double whammy. Oh, and Abbie and Katrina swapped places leaving Abbie trapped in Purgatory and Katrina free in the present. Day. Well, not free as such, rather kidnapped by the Headless Horseman.
Appearing at MCM Comic Con Birmingham this last weekend, star of the show Nicole Beharie (Abbie Mills), Katia Winter (Katrina Crane) and Lyndie Greenwood (Jenny) chatted with fans over the two days about their time on the show so far, their time on set and their wish list for season two amongst other topics.
One of the strong impressions I took away from the weekend was how pleased the three actors were to be involved with a show that presents such strong female characters. Greenwood remembered, "When (she) first read the description of Jenny, she was like a Sarah Connor type." This appealed to Greenwood who had previously trained in martial arts – which got her into acting when cast in a low budget kung-fu film – and relished the physicality of the part, now getting involved as much as possible in any of the stunts her character is involved in.
Beharie, referring to her petite frame, said she recognized that her character was bigger than the sum of her parts and she felt her portrayal and the writing "brought size to Abbie", and was, "honored to play a woman who kicks proverbial butt." Of course, Katrina has yet to interact with many characters and but did say she was looking forward to the second season, if she escapes the clutches of the Headless Horseman. "I've been looking forward to being in the present, but it's hard to picture Katrina in a pair of jeans", she joked.
It was clear, and they were happy to share, that they were still adjusting to their newfound fame and it wasn't until they saw the swarm of fans at NYCC last year that it started to really sink in. Previously, they had been at SDCC, but months away from first airing. NYCC was something different for all three of them.
What they all shared in common was their love for John Noble who joined the cast with episode 6 ('The Sin Eater') playing Henry Parrish. Beharie had enjoyed the camaraderie Abbie and Ichabod had shared with Parrish, but as we now know that was to be short lived and fraudulent. On set, Noble, and Orlando Jones (Frank Irving, currently rotting in prison for taking the heat off his daughter), brought not only a wealth of experience but a sly sense of humor to the set, always trying to get the actors to crack up moments before shooting a scene. Having two great actors on set was something special and people to learn from too.
Turning their attentions to Season Two, and asked about their own personal wish list, Winter wanted to learn more about Katrina, maybe go even further back in time to the Viking era (Winter is a native of Sweden and would love to explore this era. Not an impossible idea given that Vikings reached and briefly settled in North America). Greenwood also wanted to delve into her own character's history. While none of the cast revealed anything about the second season, Beharie cryptically answered, "From what I know, all my dreams are coming true, so stay tuned".
And I will be doing just that.
Olly MacNamee teaches English and Media, for his sins, in a school somewhere in Birmingham. Some days, even he doesn't know where it is. Follow him on twitter @ollymacnamee or read about his exploits at Or don't.