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Monday Trending Topics: Comics You Could Spend The Next 20 Years Reading
I have to admit I'm one of those people who hates Top x lists. Because usually you can glance through them and see a glaring omission or disappointing inclusion that renders the rest of the list suspect from your own perspective. But Paul Gravett sold me with his answers to Rich's questions today. Part of it's his approach to the task, and part of it's the sheer scope of it — I love the idea that you could read about one of the entries a week and spend close to 20 years working your way through the list.
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
1001 Comics Paul Gravett Wants You To Read Before You Die
Paul Gravett is one of the most influential people in comics. His Fast Fiction stall at London comic marts sold many self published works and his publishing efforts, including Escape magazine, saw the publication of early works from the likes of Neil Gaiman, Eddie Campbell, Dave McKean, James Robinson, Rian Hughes, Shaky Kane, Woodrow Phoenix, Savage Pencil and more. He's become the first call for any British journalist wanting a considered view on comic books, and he arranges the Comica festival every year.
The Death Of The Incredible Hulk
So, Marvel have confirmed that Bucky won't be the only character to get killed off in this Marvel event series, with Tom Brevoort telling us "and it's not the only fatality we'll have by the end, so there's more change of that nature to come in the pages of Fear Itself."
The Politics Of Captain America And Fox News
And in a piece for July the 4th, Fox News has just asked "So What if Captain America Might Be a Liberal? So What if He Might Be Full-Throated Conservative?" in a headline discussing the politics. And they take a rather conciliatory view. Looking at recent news stories
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
Union Hijack – Stephen Fry Is God In New Python Drama, Holy Flying Circus
Airing this Autumn will be Holy Flying Circus, an account of the controversy surrounding the release of Monty Python's Life of Brian. This being about Python, the BBC probably consider themselves free, if not actually obligated, to play around a bit.
Shia LaBeouf Says No To Transformers 4 But "Confirms" Indy 5
I'm not coming back to do another one. I don't think [Michael Bay] will either. It still is a hot property, I think, especially coming out of the third one. So I imagine they'll reboot it at some point with someone else.
Union Hijack – Russell Tovey Joins Sherlock
Yep! I'm gonna be in BBC's Sherlock… Official! Hound of the Baskervilles… And I am playing Henry… Good times
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