Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: b clay moore, chew, Comics, tony harris, whistling skull
Saturday Runaround – Skulls? You Can Whistle For Them
Off back to MCM Expo again today. Spent an inordinate time talking to Chris Claremont yesterday. I do like Chris Claremont. Much more today.
SkullWatch: From B Clay Moore and Tony Harris' upcoming The Whistling Skull for… well… what was Wildstorm.
StanWatch: As well as appearing at the Long Beach Comic Con in California this weekend, Stan is also appearing at Detroit Fanfare in Michigan today. Impressive!
PromotionWatch: Nairi Gardiner is to replace the retiring High Five member Patrick Caldon, but but in Burbank, expanding her duties from Senior Vice President of Finance & Operations for Warner Bros. Consumer Products to Senior Vice President, Finance, WBCP and DC Entertainment.
This is The Bleeding Cool ComicChron Robot speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
Another common belief is that Marvel Comics were wordier than DC Comics. Certainly Stan Lee seemed to have been vaccinated with a fountain pen. So I picked an issue of Spiderman at random (ASM #56 as it happens) and actually counted the words. There were 3,288 words on 20 pages, or an average of 164 words per page. Then I picked the nearest Batman issue chronologically to ASM #56.
Right there, on the spot, inside Sacramento's A-1 Comics shop, the owner offered to pay him $27,000 for his copy of "Detective #27." For some reason, Irwin hesitated. Could it be worth more?
Timelapse of inker Mike Furth inking a pinup for Chew
Working on a pinup for John Layman's "Chew", Mike Furth inks over Aris Iliopoulos' pencils in a timelapse video from start to finish. Tools used were a Winsor & Newton Series 7 #3 brush, a Deleter Maru dip pen and a series of Micron marker pens as well as Pelikan drawing ink and templates.