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The Scorpio Teasers Contain Hidden Messages For Us
Microsoft has been spending its run-up to E3 by posting tiny teasers for the soon-to-be-revealed Project Scorpio. Because of course they have. The one thing we all know about Microsoft's E3 plans are that they involve showing off the updated Xbox One console. WHat we didn't see was that a few of those teasers appear to contain hidden messages.
As spotted by Twitter user XboxInGame and reported by WindowsCentral, two of the Scorpio teasers include sets of numbers, letters and symbols. One video includes the phrase "X10S101-317" (or perhaps "X105101-317") (see below) – WindowsCentral's theory is that "X10S"/"X105" may refer to the console model itself, while "101317" could signal the console's release on Friday, October 13. There's no other indication that that's necessarily true, but it's compelling given the usual timeline for console releases.

The "X10S101-317" message.
Slightly less in-depth is the discussion around a second message, hidden beneath a Ferris wheel in another video, "6>4". Microsoft has touted Scorpio's 6 teraflops of power since the console's hazy first reveal last year. The PS4 Pro's power caps out at just over 4 teraflops. And we can all count, I hope.

With only a few days to go until Scorpio's full reveal at E3, we'll likely find out if athat possible release date is correct. It's obvious Microsoft will keep taunting Sony with the Scorpio until the end of days, so that is certainly not in question.
For now, you can console yourself with a look at the console's Dev kit, and everything else we know about the Project Scorpio so far, which is admittedly rather little.