Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: Comics, dc, teen titans
Thursday Runaround – Did Teen Titans Exist In A Previous Life?
WaitWatch: The Thrill Electric should be almost here… also London MCM starts tomorrow. Who's going?
SmurfWatch: Early drawings of the Smurf characters from the creator Peyo are to go on sale in Paris, expected to reach a six figure sum… each.
NumberWatch: Albert Ching tries to count up issues to get to Marvel's Wolverine #300.
ContinuityWatch: Despite editorial edict, is this line from Teen Titans #2 further proof that the new 52 DC did have a previous Teen Titans after all?
This is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
They say I am a work in progress. The fools.
Comics: Editor Eric Berlatsky Discusses His Alan Moore: Conversations Anthology – The Morton Report
I'm an academic, so I think academically, I suppose. As such, I'm interested in what kinds of book will help scholars and readers engage with Moore's comics— what will help us understand it, enrich the experience, engage with it critically.
Chuck Jones and the Future of the Library of American Comics – Comic Book Resources
For one, technology has changed, allowing us to restore the strips in a way that hasn't been done previously. Secondly, Raymond created "Flash Gordon" and "Jungle Jim" as complete pages, and while "Flash" has been reprinted several times, this is the first time both strips are collected as originally printed. Third, our book is going to be huge, the same size as the Eisner-nominated "Polly and Her Pals" — a massive 12" x 16" on wonderfully thick, opaque paper. Our "Champagne Edition" size.
"Great Pumpkin" debuted nearly a year after the first animated "Peanuts" special — "A Charlie Brown Christmas" — shocked network executives by winning the night and winning over a nation. (Half of all TVs in the United States were tuned to the first airing of "Christmas.")
Blog@Newsarama » Blog Archive » How Did Marvel Get to 300 issues of WOLVERINE?
Wolverine has starred in a lot of different solo series over the year, sometimes (like right now) multiple books at once., so there are many different methodologies that could be at work here. But here's my best guess:
First Look: Captain America & Bucky #624 | Captain America | Comic News | News |
The final chapter in Cap and Bucky's first arc is here, completing the retelling of Bucky's early days with a heartbreaking tale of the Winter Soldier and Black Widow in the 1950s, and our secret narrator is finally revealed – as are the things that tie this series to current continuity.
'Iron Man 3' announcement by governor might come Thursday
Although the nature of the announcement was not confirmed by Perdue's staff, local film industry professionals have been working towards sealing a deal that would bring the production of "Iron Man 3" here.