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Who Is The Goblin King? Superior Spider-Man Speculation
Bleeding Cool's Tom Huxley writes:
Last month, I gave you a run-down on odds of who might be the Superior Spider-Man's arch-nemesis, the Goblin King. (Go check those panels again, one of them has a huge clue towards the upcoming 'Spider-Verse' event.) With the penultimate issue out today, and two weeks to go until the grand unmasking of the Goblin in issue 31, a further strong contender has emerged on the field.
So strong a contender that despite being speculation, I'm putting in a:
We've seen the Goblin King's chief lieutenant, Menace, lurking around the exhumed grave site of the body of Doctor Octopus (which died along with the mind of Peter Parker). And no hint of where the body's gone…
We haven't seen the Goblin's face, but we have seen his bare chest and the gigantic scar that he supposedly received from a supposedly fatal glider wound in Amazing Spider-Man #122 (that was later revealed to be less than fatal).
Unless… could that scar be from where a man's tentacles might have originally been fused to his body in an atomic experiment gone wrong? In order to get him into the grave to begin with they must have been sheared off in the autopsy… which would leave a scar around his chest cavity…
But who might be in control of the body? Here's the status quo before we saw it reach the end of its mortal coil:
When he died, what if all that was good about Peter Parker, the formative memories that he was trying to reignite in the Superior Spider-Man, died with him? What if all that was left were the internal memories of Spider-Man's arch-nemesis combined with the external memories of fighting every nemesis Spider-Man ever fought? And what if those memories coalesced to create… a Goblin King?
Even if I'm completely wrong, it's a compelling notion isn't it? Otto's greatest foe being a man who wears the body he was born in. Guess we'll find out in two short weeks.
Rich adds: And yeah, what Liz Allan is holding behind her back? Total red herring. Or green herring. I love Tom's theory about Doc Ock's body but I reckon It's L'il Normie inside the head…
But what happens to Dock Ock when Peter is back in the body? And while today's issue gives us one take, I'm unconvinced.
Because Spider-Verse is coming.
Well maybe. But if one survives, he may make a useful body for whatever remains of Doctor Octopus don't you think? The Spider-Man of 2211…
Max Borne. He has a little something, don't you think? Technology centuries ahead of its time…