Posted in: Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: flash, heroes in crisis, reverse flash, spoilers, wally west
Reverse Flash Explains What Wally West Did in Heroes In Crisis
Today sees the publication of The Flash #761, a culmination of Flashes fighting Zooms and Reverse Flashes, and along the way it brings in as many Flashes as it can find – including an appearance of Krakkl, the alien speedster created by Mark Millar, Grant Morrison and Paul Ryan as Wally West's imaginary friend who was a) very real and b) totally based on Sonic The Hedgehog. We haven't seen him a lot, imprisoned The New 52's Vibe #1 which you have totally forgotten at this point.
But more than that, the issue, by Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter, Hi-Fi and Steve Wands also has a good attempt at explaining away some of the madness of Tom King and Clay Mann's Heroes In Crisis? Remember? The one that saw Wally West accidentally kill a bunch of superpowered heroes, then deciding that the best thing to do was to cover up the crime and pin it on Booster Gold and Harley Quinn, while trying to make some of it right, by leaking all the personal superhero secrets held by The Sanctuary, before handing himself in, going to jail and being sprung as some kind of cosmic treadmill, and gaining the powers of a God.
His explosion was rewritten in Flash Forward, but what of his decision to cover up what had happened?
As Thawne interferes in Barry Allen's timestream and those around him, he also utilises the power of the negative speed force. Which has another power that Thawne takes full advantage of.
Whispering in the ear of all the Flashes across the decades, playing the role of the serpent, crawling on his belly at super speed.
It was all Professor Thawne's fault all along…
FLASH #761
(W) Joshua Williamson (A/CA) Howard Porter
"Finish Line" part three! It's the Flash Family versus the Legion of Zoom! Witness the biggest battle in Flash history as the two sides go head-to-head for the fate of the future! Can the Flash stop the unstoppable Reverse-Flash from dragging him down into a personal hell Barry Allen can never escape?!In Shops: Sep 09, 2020
SRP: $3.99
Flash #761 published from today from DC Comics. I bought mine from Piranha Comics in Kingston-Upon-Thames. Piranha Comics is a small south London comic store chain with a small south-east store in Kingston-Upon Thames's market centre, which runs Magic The Gathering nights on Fridays, and a larger south-west store in Bromley, which also runs Magic nights and has an extensive back issue collection and online store. If you are in the neighbourhood, check them out.