Absolute Batman gets sixth printings, Absolute Wonder Woman gets fifth printings, Absolute Superman gets fourth printings and more...
Posted in: Comics, Denver Comic Con | Tagged: comic con, Comics, david petersen, dcc, denver, denver comic con, entertainment, swag
Swag! Denver Comic Con Edition – All The Art
Neil Greenaway writes,
My first day at Denver Comic Con 2015 heralded very few comics, but a whole pile of original art. These pieces include an Imperator Furiosa from Ted Naifeh, a Galactus & Silver Surfer from Val Brazier, a Wolfman, a Skeleton and a Sgt. Hatred all from Kevin Gentilcore, a Ninja Turtle from David Petersen, and a Chibi Dawn from Jeff Pina.
Tomorrow, I hope to find more comics, but more art would definitely be welcome as well!

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