Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics, Review | Tagged: avengers, Brian Level, Clayton Cowles, Cory Smith, cosmic ghost rider, Donny Cates, fantasy, Gamora, Gerry Duggan, guardians of the galaxy, infinity wars, Jordan Boyd, Marvel Comics, requiem, Ruth Redmond, sci-fi, superheroes, thanos, thanos legacy, thanos wins
Thanos Legacy #1 Review: Half of a Great Comic
We go back to Thanos returning from meeting with his future self. What will be his legacy? What is next for the Mad Titan? Inevitably, Requiem comes for Thanos, and death comes with it. However, even after the Titan's death, he has visitors concerned with his body.
In the second tale, young Gamora is assigned a terrible mission from Thanos to test her mettle.
Thanos Legacy #1 does little to expand upon the story of the Mad Titan's time between the return from "Thanos Wins" and his death in Infinity Wars. It shows the Titan briefly pondering his own meaning, resolving to wage war as he always has, discovering the Infinity Stones/Gems have returned, and being killed by Requiem.
Beyond that, there are a couple of guest appearances that seem like advertisement for Cosmic Ghost Rider and Infinity Wars.
The back-up story by Gerry Duggan, Cory Smith, and Ruth Redmond is where the book hits its strongest point. The story with young Gamora is brief, wordless, but still exemplary of the cruelty and nihilism of Thanos.
The second tale reads like a story of Thanos and his character. The first only really shines in its narration, which feels like a nice throwback to Jim Starlin's days as the primary scribe of Mad Titan tales. Beyond that, Donny Cates kind of drops the ball.
Brian Level and Jordan Boyd are the artists on the first story, and they do a decent job. The line and inkwork are so heavy as to become obfuscating at times, and there is a particularly awkward panel of Thanos smiling that doesn't really gel. However, his death scene is handled well; an unnerving panel sticks out that shows only his eyes and teeth at the moment of decapitation. Smith and Redmond provide great work for the second story, giving a treatment that excellently depicts the story despite no captions or dialogue.
Thanos Legacy #1 is disappointing. Despite having a strong back-up tale, the advertised "filling of the gap" between "Thanos Wins" and Infinity Wars only comes off as hot air and faffing about. One thing of note is learned, and it ironically happens after Thanos' death. I can recommend this for those who are hurting for Thanos material, but I wouldn't say it's worth the time or money of any other set of readers.