Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: Andrew Hennessey, Annalise Bissa, Ariana Maher, cb cebulski, Comics, greg land, jay leisten, jed mackay, kev walker, mark bagley, marte gracia, Martin Biro, marvel, miracleman, spoilers, Timeless, tom brevoort
The Biggest Reveal In Marvel Comics' Timeless #1 (Spoilers)
Today sees the publication of Marvel Comics Timeless #1, the big end-of-year volume that sets up much of what will be coming in upcoming Marvel Comics titles, in the manner that Marvel Now #1, Marvel Comics #100, and Incoming #1 in recent years did. And there are plenty of teases as to what is coming in Marvel Comics over the months to come. And Bleeding Cool will be breaking lots of them down with the Timeless tag today. But this will be the big one, and a final page spoiler at that so be warned. It's all about to kick off – in both Timeless #1 and the Marvel 2022 Calendar, also being given away free in comic book stores today.
Because, as the calendar reveals, amongst many other anniversaries, 2022 is the fortieth anniversary of the recreation of Mick Anglo's nineteen-fifties British take on Captain Marvel, Marvelman by Alan Moore and Garry Leach for Dez Skinn's Warrior Magazine #1 in March 1982 alongside V For Vendetta. What would become the first major superhero deconstruction in the comics themselves, and still one of the best. And, as Timeless #1 reveals, Marvel Comics will be publishing Miracleman again in 2022. With the Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham stories, finishing off The Silver Age before the final The Dark Age book that has been promised for thirty of those forty years.
Boom. And also from the Marvel Comics 2022 calendar.
Boom boom. I was in the audience at San Diego Comic-Con in 2009, when Joe Quesada, then-EIC of Marvel Comics announced they had purchased the rights to Marvelman, "one of the most important comic book characters in decades", from Mick Anglo. That was the first time a story got so much traffic it took the site down. In June 2010, a "Marvelman Classic Primer" one-shot was published, featuring new art and interviews with Mick Anglo and others involved in Marvelman's history. In July 2010, a new ongoing series called Marvelman Family's Finest launched reprinting "Marvelman's greatest adventures." A hardcover reprint edition, Marvelman Classic Vol. 1, was released in August 2010. These reprints contain only early material. Alan Moore has stated that he would donate some of his royalties from any Marvel reprints of his Marvelman stories to Mick Anglo. It was at New York Comic Con 2013 when Marvel announced that they had solidified their rights to Miracleman and that Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham would finish the story he had started 25 years earlier. The series adopted a giant-sized format, with each issue containing a reprint of the corresponding issue of the Eclipse Comics series, reprints of select Mick Anglo Marvelman stories, and non-fiction material such as essays, photos, and Marvelman design sketches. The first issue, reprinting the recolored and relettered stories from Warrior #1 & 2/Miracleman #1, was released on January 15, 2014.
The reprints continued, collecting remastered and recolored work of the original run, with hardcover collections following. In September 2014 the first new Miracleman material under the Marvel Comics banner was announced. Featuring a pitched but never published story by Grant Morrison that they wrote in the 1980s, drawn by Joe Quesada, it was joined by a brand new story by Peter Milligan and Mike Allred. The reprints proceeded through #16 when the series was retitled Miracleman: The Golden Age which reprinted issues 17–22. Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age issues 1 to 3 were announced for release in 2017 but those solicitations were cancelled shortly thereafter. At the 2018 San Diego Comic-Con at a retailer lunch, Marvel announced legal hurdles causing the cancellation had been resolved and the new series was supposed to begin publication in 2019 with the previously announced creative team of Gaiman and Buckingham on board. But the new series had not yet appeared nor have any issues of it been solicited. Until today.
(W) Jed MacKay (A) Kev Walker, More (CA) Kael Ngu
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