Posted in: Boom, Comics, DC Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: boom, cosmic ghost rider, dc comics, gambit, grim, harley quinn, marvel, Rogue, stephanie phillips
This Was Stephanie Phillips' Week… in Comic Book Stores At Least
This past week saw Harley Quinn, , Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 and Rogue And Gambit #1 all written by Stephanie Phillips. But there is something new coming...
Last Tuesday saw DC Comics publish the final issue of Harley Quinn written by Stephanie Phillips before Tini Howard takes it over next month. But them from Marvel on Wednesday, we also got two new Marvel Comics launch issues, Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 and Rogue And Gambit #1, both written by Stephanie Phillips and all in the same week, too. And Marvel just announced that Phillips will be the lead writer on the Contest Of Chaos crossover event running through Marvel Annuals this summer. Though it's not all good news, she tweeted on Wednesday, "I have two new books out today and I'm on LOTS of pain meds. AMA…" and people did.
Donny Cates: Are you having fun?
Stephanie Phillips: Absolutely. You all created a hell of a character unlike anything else I've gotten to write.Mitch Gerads: What's your favorite thing about @thebrianfallon?
Stephanie Phillips: I *think* he has a cat… and the best thing about anyone with a cat is their cat. After that, it's his music.
Mitch Gerads: He makes a mean Gotham inspired cocktail too!
Stephanie Phillips: Maybe we need some Krakoan inspired ones, too.Tyler Davis: Is Cosmic Ghost Rider an ongoing? asking for a friend (me) because it was so, so good with so much promise
Stephanie Phillips: Mini at the moment (5 issues) but that could change depending on demand, of course!Josh Leto: Which meds?
Stephanie Phillips: Hydrocodone + Cyclobenzaprine + steroid pack + Ketorolac. What I've written today is either *really* good, or nonsense. There's no in between…Serena: this is a VERY important question, VERY!!! what is rogue and gambit's favourite sitcom?
Stephanie Phillips: I want it to be Parks and Rec so much… but for some reason instinct is telling me they'd be VERY invested in New Girl.
Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 and Rogue And Gambit #1 are both beginnings but Harley Quinn #27 is all about endings.
And trying to find the right one. While recognising that so many of them have been terrible.
Sometimes one just has to try to flip the script and go off in an unexpected direction, but still taking the audience with you. And for Harley Quinn, that always means bringing in Poison Ivy, right?
Albeit one within financially demanded structures.
Royalties… to whom, though? Not to Harley Quinn, nor to Stephanie Phillips.
But at least they come up with a better name for the Harley Quinn Who Laughs when it does make it as an action figure from McFarlane Toys.
Harley Unchained. I like that. Talking of action figures, Cosmic Ghost Rider is kicking off, with a very different vibe. Created as an almost-parody of nineties success, a future version of The Punisher, cursed by Mephisto, used by Thanos, and turned into a herald of Galactus, this should be the end of the line for the man. But instead we have new beginnings, something far smaller… an alien Western. Man, I said I was watching Solo earlier this week, didn't I? So this isn't so much about beginning or endings, but middles.
With Future Frank Castle as a man dreaming of being a butterfly, and a butterfly dreaming of being a man.
Two different versions of an already-different version of Frank Castle as both a janitor in an alien bar, and a cosmic being punishing the guilty.
And sometimes with the two mixing, as Frank's reputation beings the enforcers down on him, and his place of employ.
Rogue & Gambit are very much in the middle of a relationship too. They are long past the honeymoon, but they're still able to capture the original.
And, yes, it's Gambit who is being asked if he packed the lacey red thing. So what could possibly interrupt their getaway of wedded bliss?
Gambit's mother-in-law. She always knows the worst moment to arrive, literally, it's her superpower.
Although no matter how bad it gets between these two…
Frank Castle's situation, both in the present and the far future, is going to be worse, both his wife…
… and his kids. But in the end, the perfect couple are just waiting for each other.
Poison Ivy Unchained and Harley Quinn Unchained. She's such a romantic at least, that Stephanie Phillips. Talking of which, the new issue of Grim will be along in a couple of weeks… about a Grim Reaper dealing with all the usual baggage that brings. Puts a right damper on things, but it does have its upside…" While Conor Boyle has just tweeted a "Panel from a secret project with @Steph_Smash".
Following a previous similar post from Stephanie Phillips…
Looks like plenty more news to come… hope this helps with some of the pain, Steph!
(W) Stephanie Phillips (A/CA) Flaviano
The afterlife is in chaos, and Adira rules over all of it with an uncaring iron fist. While Jess harbors secrets from her friends and may have found help in her search for a scythe, a new villain brings hellish consequences for Jess, Marcel, and Eddie-and one of them won't make it…In Shops: Mar 22, 2023 SRP: $3.99
(W) Stephanie Phillips (A) Matteo Lolli (CA) Jonboy Meyers
This is it, folks…we have to drop the Multiversal counterbalance serum at the center of the photon disruption before the imminent collapse of the entire Multiverse…JUST KIDDING. But could you imagine if that was how this story ended? Noooo thanks. We're gonna save the world the ol-fashioned way—with a large undead zombie, 50-80 Harleys from other universes, Kevin, and POISON IVY!
In Shops: Feb 28, 2023
SRP: $3.99
(W) Stephanie Phillips (A) Juan Cabal (CA) Valerio Giangiordano
In a far-flung corner of deep space, Frank Castle has eked out a quiet existence, his days as Cosmic Ghost Rider finally behind him. But across the universe, a vicious bounty hunter is leaving a trail of bodies in his wake and his name is Cosmic Ghost Rider!
When Frank's peaceful existence is shattered, he must suit up once more and face his most savage enemy yet – himself! Be there for the start of a sprawling space adventure with shocking twists and turns in the saga of Cosmic Ghost Rider!In Shops: Mar 01, 2023
SRP: $4.99
(W) Stephanie Phillips (A) Carlos E. Gomez (CA) Steve Morris
Krakoa is on a precipice. Destiny alone can see what's coming – but the precog cannot act. For that, she'll need her adoptive daughter, Rogue. Husbands need not apply! But with mutant duties stealing Rogue away so much these days, Gambit is determined to make the most of the mission and put some Cajun spice back into their increasingly complicated love affair. He just has to make it out of the bar first. Powerhouse writer Stephanie Phillips (Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, Millie the Spy) joins fan-favorite artist Carlos G?mez (X-Terminators, Amazing Spider-Man) for a thrill ride that'll lay bare some of Krakoa's biggest secrets!In Shops: Mar 01, 2023
SRP: $3.99