Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: Knights Of X, otherworld, Tini Howard, x-men
Tini Howard On Knights Of X As The X-Men Of Otherworld
Tini Howard has been sharing words about Secret X-Men, Excalibur, Knights Of X and Catwoman on her Substack. Including defining Knights Of X with Bob Quinn as the Otherworld X-Men comic.
"the spiritual and literal successor to EXCALIBUR. It's all Otherworld, all the time. It's got girls, gays, Bei, and more than a few Saturday Morning Cartoon vibes. It's that classic X-Men story of a world that hates and fears mutants…in a fantastic whole new way" and describing Excalibur as "We were given incredible runway, unprecedented space and trust to spread out and build a society. We were given a whole new way to try and make superhero comics, and it worked. I wanted to build an X-Men story built on crazy things like Alan Moore essays and anthropological ideas about magic and we f-cking did it." And how "for many layered reasons, it seemed like the time to end Excalibur was on the horizon. And many of those reasons were governed by forces inside the story, which is a rare treat in Big Two Superhero Comics. Which gave Marcus and I lots of advance notice and plenty of time to make ourselves a nice big terrible ending, where everything went wrong, Merlyn rose to power, and Otherworld became a realm where mutants could not only die, but were now hunted. You know, so I could write the book about what came next."
And what is that?
"The Starlight Citadel is fallen, Saturnyne is on the run, and the wizard Merlyn and King Arthur hunt and kill witchbreed on sight from their Lunatic Citadel. Enormous Furies stalk the land like Sentinels on the hunt for mutant heroes. So if everywhere else in the galaxy promises a golden age for mutants…what would bring them to this dangerous realm, far from the range of their resurrection technology? …what brings the KNIGHTS OF X to an Otherworld that hates and fears them? Well for one, Betsy Braddock is in there with her Captain Britain Corps, fighting a one-woman war. For the rest, you'll have to wait until April.
Though if you can't wait for Tini on an X-book, Secret X-Men #1 is out in March, and Tini confirmed what we heard the book was called internally, "If that team looks familiar to you, it's because they're the losers of the 2020 X-Men election, because damn, that makes a good team." Even if Loser X-Men doesn't make as good a title. Oh yes, and next week, her first Catwoman is out from DC Comics.