Has Yet Another Girlfriend Discovered Batman's Identity? Big Detective Comics #1083 by Tom Taylor and Mikel Janin Spoilers
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: brian bendis, chris bachalo, Comics, m word, marvel, race, uncanny avengers, uncle tom, x-men
Uncanny X-Men Really Goes There – "The Uncle Tom Of Mutants"
Lots of cool stuff happens in today's Uncanny X-Men by Brian Bendis and Chris Bachalo. But something tells me this little line might be the one to get the message boards chit-chatting.
Cyclops calling Dazzler the "Uncle Tom Of The Mutants".
Combine that with the fuss over the M-Word in a previous issue of Uncanny Avengers…
…and then All New X-Men…
Or going back further…
X-Men certainly does love to "go there"…
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. Currently running the Cats & Cartoonists exhibition, to be followed by Dead Cats, an exhibition of Christian Ward's work.
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