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Video Footage From the Spider-Man Panel Q&A at New York Comic Con

Video Footage with Joe Kelly and Nick Lowe from the Spider-Man Panel Q&A at New York Comic Con on YouTube and TikTok

Article Summary

  • ICYMI: Spider-Man NYCC panel sparked debates on female character treatment.
  • Nick Lowe faced intense Q&A, sparking fan frustration over responses.
  • Fans demand Spider-Man and MJ reunion; reactions are mixed.
  • Joe Kelly teases romantic chaos in upcoming "8 Deaths of Spider-Man."

This is how the Spider-Man panel at New York Comic Con was pitched. If I had been there, I would have totally covered it for Bleeding Cool, but family health issues meant I was very glad I didn't go this year. But it seemed no one reported it in the usual fashion, which meant a variety of versions are out there.

Marvel Comics: Spider-Man and his Venomous Friends
2:00 – 3:00 PM ET, Room 405
Webheads, gather to discover what's on the horizon for Spider-Man, Venom, and the entire Spider-Verse! This November, Doctor Doom will grant Peter Parker eight extra lives to face an evil god… but will they be enough? The AMAZING SPIDER-MAN epic, "8 Deaths of Spider-Man," is upon us and you don't want to miss this panel for the latest scoop.
PLUS: Learn about the finale and aftermath of Symbiotic saga VENOM WAR—including the new ongoing series spinning out of it, ALL-NEW VENOM! VP & Executive Editor Nick Lowe, Senior Editor Jordan D. White, and a host of extraordinary Marvel talent including writer Joe Kelly (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) and Al Ewing (ALL-NEW VENOM) will reveal never-before-seen art, thrilling announcements, and more! And be sure to stay until the end for the exclusive giveaway.

A version posted to Reddit by Anthony Jaylan went as follows: "Anyone else catch the awkward moment with the first fan who asked the question? I don't remember all the specifics because it happened so fast. Nick opened the floor for questions and the first person up immediately started asking about the misogynist treatment of female characters in the main SM line, Peter and his relationship with MJ / Paul, and the fridging of Kamala Khan, XYZ. Nick said that he disagreed with the premise of the question, clarifying that Kamala was a big part of the book and the story. Fan clarified that she only appeared in 25 (sic) panels. Nick said thank you and asked for the next question. Fan asked if any male characters would be killed in the same fashion. Nick said they kill male characters in marvel all the time. Fan replied "Outside of their own book?" "Thank you next question," he spoke over the fan until they bowed down or the mic was turned off. Whatever happened first. If anyone has a more clear transcript or recollection of the question please share! I just thought it was so crazy to witness the Spidey office was forced to be responsive to disgruntled fan complaints (which we normally read on X / Reddit) and instead of hearing them out and being transparent, they doubled down on the same tired excuses and moved on to the next question. Thoughts?"

Lots of thoughts, but not from anyone who went to the panel. But there was from someone whose sister went, who posted, "According to her it was super f-cking quiet and awkward when Lowe was introduced for the Q&A and quite a few people walked out. That dude did keep asking Lowe about Kamala and Lowe was snappy and kept trying to avoid it before they finally took the mic from dude. Several people asked similar questions and some were asking why they wouldn't just get Pete and MJ back together like everyone wanted. Lowe basically refused to answer any of them and the whole things was super f-cking awkward. Man clearly acts in real life exactly like he does when he's hiding behind a screen or his letter pages. Speaking of the letters pages she was going to ask him if he realized how obvious it was that he was the one writing some of those letters but they cut the Q&A before she could. Think they cut it short because Lowe was getting so visibly frustrated. Also said when they showed the trailer and Peter and Felicia were kissing several people were groaning loud as sh-t. Embarrassing but I'm not really sure how they saw this going anywhere other way."

I will say that Marvel is obviously not writing their own fan letters. It's not worth their time, they never need to, there will always be someone with the opinion they want to present. But Christian Angeles, writing for the Beat, who actually went to the panel, had more to add. "A LOT of context and words exchanged are missing regarding what actually happened in this back-and-forth. The problem that happened on stage wasn't so much this line of questioning regarding misogynistic writing–whom I think many Marvel fans would agree people have rightfully taken issue with regarding the fridging/death (but not really death because comics) of Kamala Khan–so much that the emotions started to run very high. For better or worse, Lowe got incredibly defensive in public and let that fan keep grilling him and tried to counter suit. What you read above is a short version of what was a longer and snappy back-and-forth, and one that went on far longer than it should have. After that first question from that fan, Lowe would then try and counter back in an argument in lieu of professionally just answering a single fan question or two, and then moving on. He also began his response to the questioning with a counter-argument of passive aggression by "Disagreeing with the premise of the question" (his actual words) invalidating the very premise of that fan's opinion. To the audience, it did seem a somewhat condescending response… In Nick's defense, he was a deer in the headlights caught absolutely off guard for this line of questioning and I say this admittedly because I was also off-guard as a reporter who thought this panel was just about over already and was genuinely shocked like everyone else…  the room did quiet back down soon after resuming a normal functioning Q&A where even some kids came up to the microphone to ask questions."

Oh, and Nick Lowe never said that Justina Ireland was the first woman to write a run of issues of 'The Amazing Spider-Man, as erroneously reported elsewhere. We would love some video or recording of the panel, especially the Q&A, and we will be looking in usual – and unusual places. For now, we just have this question asked by a fan, seemingly wanting the marriage between Spider-Man and Mary Jane Watson to return with reference to the movie and that "it would be so cool". Recorded by Mike, who goes by the name of NerdMasterNYC, and posted on YouTube and TikTok;

@thatrichjohnstonJoe Kelly with Nick Lowe talking about the Spider-marriage at the Marvel Spider-Man New York Comic Con NYCC 2024 panel #nycc #spiderman♬ original sound

Eight Deaths Of Spider-Man writer Joe Kelly said, "For myself, one of the things that I love and I've always loved about Spider-Man is the romantic entanglements. That he is not that great at navigating, like Peter has a lot of problems, he manages to get into, a lot of great relationships, but holding those relationships, navigating them is challenging. Then there was a long period of time where it was not as challenging because he was married. I like that he navigates these things in an awkward fashion. It feels very relatable and it feels like if I was this superhero, the terrible way I would go about my romantic life. So Eight Deaths doesn't get into a ton of that, though it does get into some of it. I think it's fair to say that all of the ladies in his life play pretty prominent roles in Eight Deaths, and I think you get a pretty good slice and pretty good optics into people and who he cares about important. Especially that issue 65, which is the really good guts of this whole thing, so… and, you know, as to the future, I'm not going to say anything. Thanks for the question."

If anyone have any of the other questions and answers on their recording device? Let us know. And here is the solicitation for Amazing Spider-Man #65 out in January 2025.

Video Footage From the Spider-Man Panel Q&A at New York Comic Con
Amazing Spider-Man #65

(W) Joe Kelly (A) CAFU (CA) Mark Bagley
THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! Spider-Man has faced four Scions and is running out of extra lives. This issue's scion, CYRA, represents the very power of Death Itself and makes Spider-Man watch everything he loves die. Can Spider-Man possibly withstand this punishment? Rated T In Shops: Jan 08, 2025 SRP: $4.99

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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