Posted in: Comic Spoilers, Disney+, Marvel, Spoilers, TV | Tagged: Al Feldstein, bill mantlo, brian michael bendis, captain marvel, david finch, gabriel hernandez walta, jack kirby, jim steranko, jimmy woo, Joe Maneely, John Buchan, john cassaday, john romita, joss whedon, jr, Monica Rambeau, olivier coipel, richard howell, rick leonardi, roger stern, roy thomas, shield, spoilers, stan lee, Steve Englehart, Tom King, WandaVision
WandaVision Adds Comic Creator Credit for Monica Rambeau & Jimmy Woo
Last month, Bleeding Cool broke down the "special thanks" credits of WandaVision to glean insight over what might be happening in the TV show from Marvel Studios. The credits stayed the same for the first four episodes but switched for the fifth. Originally the credits ran:
With special thanks to Brian Michael Bendis, John Buscema, John Cassaday, Olivier Coipel, Steven Englehart, David Finch, Richard Howell, Tom King, Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Rick Leonardi, Bill Mantlo, Roy Thomas, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, Joss Whedon.
From this we could identify for WandaVision, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, who created Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, Baron Von Strucker, Hydra, Agatha Harkness, SHIELD and AIM. Roy Thomas, Stan Lee and John Buscema for The Vision. Stan Lee and John Buscema also created Mephisto. Bill Mantlo and Rick Leonardi created the 1982 four-issue Scarlet Witch & The Vision limited series. Steven Englehart and Richard Howell created the follow-up 1985 twelve-issue Scarlet Witch & The Vision maxi-series. Brian Michael Bendis and David Finch created the Avengers Disassembled storyline. With Olivier Coipel, Brian Bendis also created the House of M storyline Joss Whedon and John Cassaday are creators of S.W.O.R.D. Tom King and Gabriel Hernandez Walta were the lead creators of The Vision comic book series – and created Sparky.
But with the WandaVision fifth episode, it was all change. Two specific credits were now ripped out from the rest.
Wanda Maximoff Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
Vision Created by Roy Thomas and John Buscema
Given greater WandaVision prominence, though Stan Lee was not acknowledged for co-creating The Vision. Then there were special thanks to;
Brian Michael Bendis, John Cassaday, Olivier Coipel, Steve Englehart, David Finch, Richard Howell, Tom King, Rick Leonardi, Bill Mantlo, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, Joss Whedon, Al Feldstein, Joe Maneely, John Romita, Jr, Jim Steranko, Roger Stern.
That sees the addition of Al Feldstein, Joe Maneely, John Romita, Jr, Jim Steranko and Roger Stern for the WandaVision fifth episode. But why?
Well, Al Feldstein and Joe Maneely are the creators of Agent Jimmy Woo in the 1956 Yellow Claw #1 that preceded the Marvel Universe.
Jim Steranko is best known for his work on Nick Fury: Agent Of SHIELD, that reintroduced Jimmy Woo as a Marvel Universe character.
And Roger Stern and John Romita Jr are the creators of Monica Rambeau, who became the new Captain Marvel.
John Cimino, Roy Thomas's manager, posted to Facebook, saying "Sometimes you have to push back a little to get some respect. Let's just say I'm very happy about this and honored to be fighting for these legends."