Posted in: Batman, Comics, Comics Publishers, Current News, DC Comics | Tagged: Gotham War, Marquise, vatwoman
Who Is Catwoman's Marquise? Is She Part Of A Gotham War Long Game?
Marquise is a character who first appeared in Catwoman #51, as one of Selina Kyle's prisonmates in jail, one of a number of them.
Marquise is a character who first appeared in Catwoman #51, as one of Selina Kyle's prisonmates in jail, and one of a number of new heads who made their first appearance in that issue.
She also introduced herself and made herself quite useful to Selina Kyle. Not that she knew who Seline Kyle was at that point. Apparently, Catwoman's identity is not known in the wider world.
But there was more behind Marquise, and she put herself in danger to aid Selina. Even risking death.
Except it seems that Marquise had a way of cheating death.
Eventually Selina Kyle admitted to her that she was Catwoman…
…and included her in her prison breakout.
Since then, she has appeared a kind of sidekick to Selina Kyle, her right-hand woman in the current Gotham War storyline.
But who is she really? Spoilers ahead, I guess. It all depends if this plays out the way it looks, I suppose.
Bleeding Cool has heard rumours that she has been a plant all this time, planned by writer Tini Howard from the beginning, in concordance with Batman writer Chip Zdarsky. From another power source looking to create as well as exploit the Gotham War situation. So, at the end of the most recent Batman, we discovered that Vandal Savage had bought Bruce Wayne's Wayne Manor, very aware of the link between Bruce and Batman.
Could Catwoman have been similarly infiltrated, in a pincer movement from Savage? What if Marquise is on the same side as Vandal Savage working the system from a different angle? What if Marquise is in fact, one of Vandal Savage's children? Meant to be the father of all meta-humans, more direct descendants include Olympia Savage, Kassandra Savage, Cliff DeWitt, Grendel, Kassidy Sage and Angelo Bend. But Scandal Savage is the one he considers to be his true heir. And her true hair is of the reddish hue.
Scandal Savage first appeared in Villains United #1 in 2005, and was created by Gail Simone and Dale Eaglesham as the daughter of Vandal Savage, and was a member of the Secret Six. Wielding lamentation blades, she is as immortal as her father, and was an early lesbian lead character in the DC Universe.
Yeah, I bet she has…