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X-Men's Big Krakoan Villain Was Meant To Be Someone Other Than Moira

X-Men's Big Krakoan Villain was meant to be someone other than Moira Mactaggert... but who was it? And will we ever know?

Article Summary

  • X-Men's villain in Krakoa was never meant to be Moira Mactaggert.
  • Jordan D White teases unexpected non-use of The World for Chimera creation.
  • Unrealized projects include Al Ewing's "X-Men Forever" and Vita Ayala's New Mutants pitch.
  • Ben Percy's original "X Deaths of Wolverine" idea didn't align with plans.

AIPT has run the second of their Krakoan wrap-up interviews with the departing X-Men creators ahead of the relaunch as X-Men: From The Ashes, including about-to-be-former X-Men Group Editor Jordan D White. And we get more Krakoan plans that didn't come to fruition.

"At one point, an idea was floated that involved the X-Men using The World as a means to battle the Children of the Vault. Because they both have similar time-warping capabilities. Also, the idea at one point was going to be the World being where Sinister creates Chimeras, because that way he could have hundreds and thousands of years to create Chimeras. But instead of using that, we ended up using Sins of Sinister. So that was a Jonathan suggestion, but then when Kieron Gillen came in, we got the Moira Engine and he ended up using that to do it instead."

X-Men's Big Krakoan Villain Was Meant To Be Someone Other Than Moira

The Moira Engine, Mister Sinister using clones of Mora Mactaggert to keep resetting the timeline, was a very Kieron Gillen idea, was it not? But originally Moira was not meant to be the villain of Krakoa, and Jordan isn't going to say who it was.

"I'm not going to reveal who was going to be the villain. It's a character that readers would be extremely surprised would become the villain because you really would not have expected it. But we're not at the place where I think it's appropriate to talk about that yet for a few reasons. One of which is I believe strongly that it would not have been a good idea to continue with the plan as it was very first conceived. And I know saying that is just going to make people desperately want to hear it, but I don't think that now is the time to talk about it. This is like a 20-years-from-now kind of thing."

I guess I'll have to see what I can find out during San Diego. And then there were the books that were;t such as Al Ewing writing a Moira X book.

"Al seemed like a really great choice to write the Moira book. And at one point, he did want to call it X-Men Forever. When Jonathan pitched it to him, it was very much to do a book that would have secrets revealed from her past lives. And I think at one point Al was talking about what he wanted to do, and he really wanted to set it in one of her lives. And I forget which one — if I had to guess, it was life four. That's the one that seems fairly similar to our universe. Not quite, but it was close, right? I think that was the one he was going to spend most of his time in."

X-Men's Big Krakoan Villain Meant To Be CoMoira Mactaggert

And there were more to add to those from last week.

"I'll say Vita Ayala had a pitch for a New Mutants book for the Fall of X that I think would've been really great and I really wanted to see happen. I'm sad that it didn't happen. I don't want you to bother Vita, but if you're at a convention, maybe you could say, "Hey, what was the Fall of X book you were going to do that didn't get to happen?" Maybe they'll be willing to tell you."

Will do.

"Ben Percy, upon hearing about resurrection, had an idea for a story right off the bat that we were like, "Oh, Ben, that's a really awesome story and we love it. But that is exactly the kind of story we don't want to do with resurrection at the beginning of this. Like, that is the kind of story that maybe you can do like two or three years into it once we've already established the rules of how that works." This was an X-Force story he wanted to do. And as we moved forward through it, that story morphed beyond all recognition into X Lives and X Deaths of Wolverine. So basically, it was completely unrecognizable. The actual thing that he pitched was super cool, it just never ended up being used, and instead, a totally different story happened. I'm sad we never got around to it. Ask Ben about that."

Will do.

"X Deaths of Wolverine…  That initial story was the 10 deaths of Wolverine being the 10 secret kill missions that he was sent on that he doesn't know about because he was killed and resurrected every time. That would've been a really fun story, but again, it never fit with what we were doing at the time."


And as to how the final Hellfire Gala that led into the Fall Of X would have gone, it was meant to be more of a surprise.

"And therefore, all of the crossover issues were billed as Hellfire Gala crossovers, but they're actually the beginning of the Fall of X. Maybe they start with a page or two at the Hellfire Gala, but then suddenly this book is thrown into this dark and devastating era. And we wanted to continue them with the actual titles of the books rather than do mini-series and stuff. Like, here's New Mutants in that time, and here's the book in this time. That would've been really fun."

Still no word over what Jonathan Hickman's Phase Two would have been. Maybe that's best saved for a convention question as well.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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