So what is Jonathan Hickman, Iban Coello and Federico Vicentini's Imperial from Marvel Comics about anyway?
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, diamond, valiant, x-o manowar
X-O Manowar Hits Over 42,000 Pre Orders
This could well be the biggest comic publisher debut in a decade.
I understand that X-O Manowar #1, the debut title from the new Valiant Entertainment, has received over 42,000 preorders.
But that the variance in comic store stock is rather large. In that some stores of similar sizes have ordered 200, while some have ordered 2.
If it is as popular as the former group of retailers are expecting, then the latter group are going to be clamouring for copies. And pushing up the aftermarket…
The first issue also comes out just before Free Comic Book Day – and the Valiant FCBD issue may also help drive instant demand from impulse buyers…

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