The newly announced Pokémon GO event, Steeled Resolve, introduces Rookidee and brings back older Community Day-exclusive moves.
Posted in: Games, Mobile Games | Tagged: adventure week, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go, ultra unlock
Adventure Week Begins Today In Pokémon GO With Bonuses Unlocked
Adventure Week 2022 begins today in Pokémon GO. Niantic has added Ultra Unlock bonuses to the originally announced event, so let's take a look at both the original slate of content as well as the new additions.
Here's what's happening starting today for the Adventure Week 2022 event in Pokémon GO:
- Date and time: Tuesday, June 7th, 2022, at 10:00 AM to Sunday, June 12, 2022, at 8:00 PM local time.
- New Shiny release: Shiny Tirtouga and Shiny Archen
- New species drop: Tyrunt and Amaura
- Wild spawns:
- Rhyhorn, Omanyte, Kabuto, Larvitar, Aron, Lileep, Anorit, Cranidos, and Shieldon. Graveler, Aerodactyl, and Pupitar will be rare spawns.
- 7KM Gift Eggs: Amaura, Tyrunt, Archen, Tirtouga, Shieldon, Cranidos, Slugma, Shuckle.
- Field Research: Amaura, Tyrunt, Archen, Tirtouga, Shieldon, Cranidos, Slugma, Anorith, Lileep, Aerodactyl, Kabuto, Omanyte, Tirtouga, Archen.
- Raids:
- Tier One: Geodude, Alolan Geodude, Sudowoodo, Roggenrola.
- Tier Three: Rhydon, Shuckle, Tyranitar, Aggron.
- Tier Five: Groudon.
- Mega Raids: Mega Aerodactyl.
- Event Bonuses:
- Double XP for spinning PokéStops.
- A whopping 5x bonus for spinning Stops for the very first time
Ultra Unlock bonuses added to the event because of successful gameplay during Pokémon GO Fest 2022 include:
- Unown F: As theorized due to the silhouetted Unown on the original Adventure Week graphic, Unown F will be available during the event. It will also be Shiny-capable. The announcement Niantic sent has no details on how Unown F will be encountered. Previous Unown appearances during Ultra Unlock have been Tier One raid encounters.
- Ultra Unlock: Research Day: On Sunday, June 12th, 2022 from 11 AM – 3 PM, there will be a Limited Research Day featuring tasks at Poké Stops that award encounters with Cranidos and Shieldon.
- Cranidos and Shieldon will have a boosted Shiny rate during this event.
- Wild encounters during Ultra Unlock: Research Day will be Diglett, Alolan Diglett, Geodude, Alolan Geodude, Onix, Rhyhorn, Sudowoodo, Aron, and Dwebble.
- Tyrunt and Amaura will appear in the wild! Tyrunt will appear from 11 AM – 12 PM and 1 PM – 2 PM. Amaura will appear from 12 PM – 1 PM and 2 PM – 3 PM.
- Niantic notes: "Keep an eye on the sky when you see Amaura—you just might notice some special weather!"
- Event bonuses: Added to the existing bonuses is half Egg Hatch Distance when Eggs are put in an Incubator during the event.
- Timed Research: Ultra Unlock adds a Timed Research questline that will award three free Incubators.
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