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Ascendant Releases New Trailer During Week Of Livestreams

Among the many, many, many, many, many, many, many game livestreams we got this week, in the middle was a brand new trailer for Ascendant.

Article Summary

  • PlayFusion unveils a new trailer for the tactical FPS game Ascendant.
  • Ascendant, a dynamic biopunk game, promises an ever-changing map and events.
  • No release date yet, but an upcoming closed Beta for Steam and Epic Games.
  • Fight for survival and biocores in a squad-based game with intense strategy.

Indie game developer and publisher PlayFusion released a new trailer this week for their upcoming game, Ascendant. Known both as Ascendant and, the team dropped this new trailer during the IGN Live showcase. However, the game still doesn't have a proper release date or even a release window set. Just news that a new Beta is coming toon to Steam and the Epic Games Store. Enjoy the trailer! Will Launch Its Closed Beta In April
Credit: PlayFusion


Ascendant is a squad-based, tactical FPS with serious balls. Loaded with game-changing events, this adrenaline-fueled shooter throws you into the heart of chaos and mixes things up every time you think you've got it figured out. Set in a dynamic biopunk world where everything wants to kill you, battle for the biocores and get out with more than just your dignity. Adapt is the name of the game (well, not technically, but you get the idea). Like life, nothing in this world stays the same. The map, the tactics, the teams, the strategies, the events, they're all different every time you step out. One day rooms are open and you're good to go. The next day they're closed, and your team is sucking on poison gas. Get used to it, because you have a snowball's chance in hell of making it out with a biocore if your team doesn't keep their heads on a swivel.

Remember to work together, because you're just one of the 4 teams out there, all clawing for the same three biocores. So, you know it's gonna get messy – you'll be stuck spinning your wheels if you think you can go it alone. You can't just run-and-gun on a hope and a prayer. If you want to walk away with more than just your crotch in your hand, you'll need to plan, coordinate, and adapt to everything you didn't plan on. Like chess, but with more violence and less manners. Do you grab a biocore right away or do you let the suckers duke it out? Do you go in guns blazing, or lay in wait to pounce like a neon panther? The biocore's in your court.

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Gavin SheehanAbout Gavin Sheehan

Gavin is the current Games Editor for Bleeding Cool. He has been a lifelong geek who can chat with you about comics, television, video games, and even pro wrestling. He can also teach you how to play Star Trek chess, be your Mercy on Overwatch, recommend random cool music, and goes rogue in D&D. He also enjoys hundreds of other geeky things that can't be covered in a single paragraph. Follow @TheGavinSheehan on Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, Bluesky, Threads, and Hive, for random pictures and musings.
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