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Complete Kanto Celebration Raid Rotation In Pokémon GO
As the Kanto Celebration goes live worldwide in Pokémon GO, here are the Pokémon currently available in raids with tips on which to chase. Let's dive in.
The complete Kanto Celebration Raid Rotation in Pokémon GO includes:
Tier One
- Bulbasaur – Shiny available, standard rate
- Charmander – Shiny available, standard rate
- Dratini – Shiny available, standard rate
- Pikachu – Shiny available, standard rate
- Magikarp – Shiny available, standard rate
- Squirtle – Shiny available, standard rate
Honestly, not much worth your raid pass in Tier One. All of these are going to be available in the wild, so you're better off hunting them that way than in raids.
Tier Three
- Graveler
- Haunter
- Kadabra
- Lapras – Shiny available, boosted rate
- Machoke
- Pinsir – Shiny available, standard rate
- Scyther – Shiny available, boosed rate
A major note here. We don't quite know for sure that the evolved forms won't be available Shiny. Currently, we understand Niantic's promise that "every Kanto Pokémon will be released in their Shiny forms" to mean that the stage one versions of these species can be encounters Shiny, and the evolved forms can be obtained via evolution. If it does end up that these evolved forms are released as Shinies, which we do doubt, we will update. Until then, all we can do is observe!
Tier Five
- Articuno – Shiny available, standard Legendary rate of approximately one in 20
- Mewtwo – Shiny available, standard Legendary rate of approximately one in 20
- Moltres – Shiny available, standard Legendary rate of approximately one in 20
- Zapdos – Shiny available, standard Legendary rate of approximately one in 20
Mewtwo is the one to go after here if you're picking. The three Legendary Birds will feature in a Raid Day on the 28th after this event closes and Niantic really spaces out Mewtwo raid rotations.
Mega Raids
- Mega Blastoise – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in 60
- Mega Charizard X – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in 60
- Mega Charizard Y – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in 60
- Mega Venusaur – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in 60
Stay tuned to Bleeding Cool tomorrow for full, updated Raid Guides for each of the available Mega Raids.