Posted in: Board Games, Games, Tabletop | Tagged: Crossroads Inn, crowdfunding, Gamefound, Klabater
Crossroads Inn Creator Klabater Decide On Gamefound To Crowdfund
Warsaw, Poland-based game design company Klabater has finally decided upon which crowdfunding platform will host the campaign to fund the tabletop board game adaptation of their video game Crossroads Inn. Namely, the company has chosen to crowdfund via Gamefound. Furthermore, Klabater has decided to work with Sirius Game Studio to develop and publish this game.
The premise of this game is this: A king, beset by the troubles of his kingdom, the conniving plots of his progeny and standing on the precipice of Death's door, has decreed that the best innkeeper in the land will become the next king, for they know how best to run an establishment that appeals to the most people. You play as one of these innkeepers, and you'll use your appealing inn's resources, as well as the exploitation of your opponents' secrets and weaknesses, in order to win the title of ruler of Yorevale.
According to the press release put out by Klabater, the key features of Crossroads Inn include the following:
- Thrilling strategic and economic gameplay for 2-4 players!
- Two dishes on one plate – become the "king" of gastronomy, and at the same time… the king of Yorevale!
- Five different social classes of guests whose favor the players must win. Distressed, Outlaws, Travellers, Townsfolk, and Nobles – each class prefers a different type of food and interior design!
- "Prestige track", or the way to one's heart is through their stomach – a unique mechanic that allows you to win the game with fame and prestige points.
- A system of spreading negative rumors about the competition. Decide whether to slander other players politically, economically, or perhaps with the help of rumors from the Yorevale travel routes.
- A unique fantasy world from the original PC game – but served with 'a pinch of salt.'
- Hire and fire employees; plague your opponents with an arsenal of dirty tricks.
If you're interested in backing Crossroadsa Inn, you can find the game's page on Klabater's website, available soon to back, by clicking here. The page is in Polish, naturally, so you may need to translate it, but the game will be available in English as well. Meanwhile, what do you think about this game? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!