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Posted in: Card Games, Dragon Ball Super, Games, Tabletop | Tagged: bandai, DBSCG, dragon ball, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Super Card Game
Dragon Ball Super Card Game 2022 End-Of-Year List: Best Sets
This year, Bandai released four main series Dragon Ball Super Card Game sets, closing out the Unison Warrior Series block and launching the Zenkai Series block. Let's look back at these four expansions from 2022 and rank those sets from best to worst in honor of the new year.
- 4: Zenkai Series – Dawn of the Z-Legends: While Dawn of the Z-Legends was by no means a bad set, it suffered under the weak art of the new Zenkai Card (or Z-Card) type. This card type forces a 3D perspective of a character striking out at our point-of-view, which many of the artists working for Dragon Ball Super Card Game cannot pull off. In addition to that, this set also cast a wide net with its focuses and included a Bardock God Rare, which was visually solid but has a bad impact on the hobby at large as it turns off completionist collectors by creating a card that will be next to impossible to pull. The holo pattern introduced in this era is also controversial, as it resembles the cracked foil of previous eras due to some collectors' chagrin. The SSB Goku SCR is a standout, though.
- 3: Zenkai Series – Fighter's Ambition: The second set in the Zenkai Series suffers from many of the same flaws as Dawn of the Z-Legends, but Fighter's Ambition is stronger due to the arrival of new iconic forms, including Orange Piccolo, Cell Max, and Gohan Beast which appears on the set's best SCR.
- 2: Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Ultimate Squad: Ultimate Squad balances the past and future of Dragon Ball well, teasing elements of Super Hero while leaning heavily into the nostalgia of the Cell Games. This was a clever choice as Super Hero itself also pays homage to the Cell Games. While this set has fairly weak SCRs and was not a big hit with collectors, it has some of the best Special Rares in the entire Unison Warrior Series block.
- 1: Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Realm of the Gods: So… yes, Realm of the Gods introduced God Rares. That was bad. However, it also has the best SCR of the year with SSB Vegeta, the most creative and nuanced art in Special Rares, and its focus on the Angels, Destroyers, and God Ki-wielding Saiyans makes it an iconic set, evidenced by its selling-out at retailers.

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